Patient-weight-watch is a live dashboard web-app that allows health practitioners to monitor the weight of cancer patients (and other symptoms they are experiencing) after a radiotherapy treatment. Patients are given a web-form that asks them about their current weight and symptoms information. Upon submission of the form, the information is sent to a database containing all known information about the patient as well as their treatment history. The patient-weight-watch dashboard then fetches the latest patient information for display.
The following information can be found on the main dashboard:
- Patient ID
- Lastname
- Firstname
- Sex
- Age
- Treatment
- Last Appointment
- Last Weight
- Current Weight
- Change in Weight
- Last Submission
Upon clicking the RT and symptoms botton on the last column (color-coded according to change in weight) of a specific patient, the following additional information are shown:
- Symptom levels:
- Nausea
- Skin Irritation
- Difficulty Swallowing
- Difficulty Breathing
- Plot of all recorded weights
- Information for all treatment days:
- CT images
- CT images with contours
- CT images with RT dose
Future work:
- Error handlers that check the validity of the webform values submitted
- Handlers for other web errors
- Add warning indicator when one of the symptom levels is greater than a certain threshold
- Make tables and figures scalable with window size or fixed in size yet scrollable
- Option for user to modify weight thresholds for color coding
- Option for user to change weight units