- clone repo
- open terminal
- run
npm install
to install (install npm if you don't already have it) - sign into expo from your computer
- get expo app on phone (sign in there as well)
- run
cd IntelliPutt
to enter folder - run
npx expo start
to start the app - scan the QR code
- pick an issue from https://github.com/jameBroa/SDP-Group-2/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+sort%3Aupdated-desc
- create a branch for issue and make sure you're working on it in VS code
Files relevant code from SDP Workshops
Two ways to connect to EV3, mainly want to use wireless connection.
Connect via: ssh@robot[ip address of EV3 device]
Use ssh to connect to EV3 device and run python files via python3 [name of python file].py
To send python files across, use scp [name of python file].py robot@[ip of EV3 device]:/home:/robot
There is a password to scp into EV3 device which is: 'maker' (potential to change)
Ports 1-4: input Ports A-D: output