Evaluating the Effectiveness of Natural Language Inference for Hate Speech Detection in Languages with Limited Labeled Data
This code accompanies the paper: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Natural Language Inference for Hate Speech Detection in Languages with Limited Labeled Data.
Create a file paths.json
in the repository's root directory and write to it:
"data_dir": "path/to/the/data/directory",
"output_dir": "path/to/the/output/directory",
"configs_dir": "path/to/the/configs/directory"
Checkpoints, logs and results will be written to the output directory.
As an example:
- the
could be/home/user/projects/xnli-for-hate-speech-detection/data/
(in the following sections referenced as<path-to-data-dir>
) output_dir
could be/home/user/projects/xnli-for-hate-speech-detection/output/
(in the following sections referenced as<path-to-output-dir>
)- and
could beconfigs/
(in the following sections referenced as<path-to-configs-dir>
Download all datasets:
bash scripts/download_data.sh
Create a python environment and install the required packages:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Preprocess the datasets:
bash scripts/preprocessing.sh
To reproduce the results from Röttger et al. (2022), Data-Efficient Strategies for Expanding Hate Speech Detection into Under-Resourced Languages:
bash scripts/training_runs_repro.sh
bash scripts/run_eval_repro.sh
The baselines M and X are evaluated separately:
bash scripts/run_eval_M.sh
bash scripts/run_eval_X.sh
Fine-tune monolingual and multilingual models, which have been trained on (X)NLI:
bash scripts/training_runs_NLI.sh
Evaluate monolingual models trained on NLI:
bash scripts/run_eval_M_NLI.sh
Evaluate XLM-T models trained on NLI:
bash scripts/run_eval_X_NLI_baseline.sh
bash scripts/run_eval_X_NLI_strategies.sh
Evaluate models based on XLM-T and trained on XNLI:
bash scripts/run_eval_X_XNLI_baseline.sh
bash scripts/run_eval_X_XNLI_strategies.sh
Collect the results and write to one csv-file:
python3 src/parse_results_into_csv.py -i <path-to-output-dir> -o <path-to-csv-file>
To generate the plots execute the notebook notebooks/plot_results.ipynb
Training runs are based on configs. To regenerate the configs execute the notebook notebooks/generate_configs.ipynb