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2020 MITRE Collegiate eCTF Code (Texas A&M University)

This repository contains our secure DRM system for MITRE's 2020 Embedded System CTF.

Getting Started

Please see the Getting Started Guide.

Project structure

The example code is structured as follows

  • boot-image/ - Contains a stock FSBL, image.ub, and u-boot.elf for booting the project on the board. The stock FSBL is only provided for the purposes of making the miPod.bin, since bootgen requires you provide a bootloader when creating a .bin image.
  • mb/ - Contains example DRM project for running on the soft-core MicroBlaze. See DRM README
  • miPod/ - Contains example miPod project for running the Linux-side miPod driver. See miPod README
  • pl/ - Contains example PL implementation with soft-core MicroBlaze and audio codec. See PL README
  • tools/ - Contains example provisioning tools. See tools README
  • vagrant/ - Contains files for configuring the Vagrant environment. See Vagrant README
  • vivado-boards/ - Contains Vivado libraries for the board
  • Vagrantfile - Vagrantfile for launching the Vagrant environment - DO NOT CHANGE
  • sample-audio - Sample audio files for you to use

DRM File Format

***Graphic not to scale

   | WAV file format metadata   |
   | (44 bytes)                 |
   | Song metadata keyed Blake3 |
   | Hash                       | ---> use 32-bit
   | (32 bytes)                 |      metadata key
   | Speck CBC Initialization   |
   | Vector                     |
   | (16 bytes)                 |
   | int - num of encrypted     |
   | audio chunks               |
   | (4 bytes)                  |
   | int - encrypted audio len  |
   | (4 bytes)                  |
   | DRM Song metadata          |
   | (100 bytes)                | ---> struct drm_md
   | encrypted [audio+padding]  |
   | (max of 32 Megabytes       | ---> use 32-bit key
   |  = 2098 16000B chunks      |      Speck 128/256
   ------------------------------ ___
   | Encrypted Audio Chunk #0   |    |
   | + IV keyed Blake3 hash     |    |
   | (32 bytes)                 |    |
   |____________________________|    |
   |            ...             |    |--> max of 2098 hashes
   |____________________________|    |    = 64 KB total,
   | Encrypted Audio Chunk #n   |    |    use 32-bit chunk
   | + IV keyed Blake3 hash     |    |    key
   | (32 bytes)                 |    |
   |____________________________| ___|

   32 MB song --> (44+32+16+4+4+100+33,554,432+(2098*32)) = 33621768

Security Features

  • In order to protect audio confidentiality, our system encrypts songs using the lightweight block cipher Speck ( We use CBC mode with 128-bit block size and 256-bit key size.

  • For song integrity/authenticity, we use the fast cryptographic hash Blake3 ( We use 128-bit keys to create keyed hashes.

  • When a song is loaded to play in the DRM, we first verify the integrity and authenticity of the song by computing a keyed Blake3 hash over the DRM metadata. If this check passes, we can decrypt and play the song. To decrypt, we take a 16KB chunk of audio at one time and verify its integrity/authenticity using a keyed Blake3 hash over the encrypted chunk + the initialization vector. If this passes, we decrypt the chunk and pass it to the audio codec.

  • To store and verify user pins, we create a Blake3 hash of a user's pin+username.

Optional Features

We have implemented the following optional features:

  • fast-forward/rewind audio
  • support high quality audio at 48KHz.