Working together to pass the DEVASC exam
Hello! I'm Abyzov Ivan.
It's my report of tasks for course "Seminar on Software Systems, Technologies and Security".
- First of all I've started to do Task 1 -- GitHub Skills Test.
● Task name => GitHub Skills Test.
● Task preparation => for make this lab I'used:
● Oracle Virtual Box;
● Image of VM "DEVASC_VM" - VM for experiments;
● file 3.3.11 Lab - Software Version Control with Git.
● Task implementation => In work I have used file 3.3.11 Lab - Software Version Control with Git. This file contain very useful commands for Git that I used in all tasks. Step by step I've complited this one and acquire skills in git.
● Task troubleshooting => I must had has to be careful, when i pushed changes on GitHub, because it's need to use tolen for push.
● Task verification => You can see screenshots in folder intro
- In the second tack I started to understand ansible
● Task name => Ansible Skills Test
● Task preparation =>
● Oracle Virtual Box;
● Image of VM "DEVASC_VM" - VM for experiments;
● file 7.4.8 Lab - Use Ansible to Automate Installing a Web Server.
● Task implementation => I have used lab guide in file 7.4.8 Lab and searched some informatoin about commands and Ansible project structure in Internet.
● Task troubleshooting => All task was clear, no serious problem.
● Task verification => You can see screenshots in folder ansible
- Third task was about Docker. Docker - it is programm, that can start another programm in container - isolated process. (Like a VM, but they not the same)
● Task name => Docker
● Task preparation =>
● Oracle Virtual Box;
● Image of VM "DEVASC_VM" - VM for experiments;
● Docker guide from and
● Task implementation => Based on Docker guide I have installed Docker. Founded and added image of alpine linux. After I started alpine linux container, I created file to verification, that container at work.
● Task troubleshooting => There were not any problem.
● Task verification => You can see screenshots in folder Docker
I had had some problems with push my results in GitHub. But after a while I figured out how to act correctly, and now it's clear.