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JavaScript simple data validator



npm install --save 2valid

Usage ( simple example )

Check for integer

var v = require('2valid');
// valid? true/false
console.log( v.valid('integer', 111) ); // true
console.log( v.valid('integer', 'aaa') ); // false

// check, what was wrong
console.log( v.check('integer', 111) ); // null
console.log( v.check('integer', 'aaa') ); // { notMatched: 'integer' }

Usage ( node.js password validator )

Check for password. Minimum 4 chars, at least one caps and one small letter, digit and special

var v = require('2valid');
console.log( v.valid('password', '!A1e') ); // true
console.log( v.valid('password', 'As1eRR') ); // false
console.log( v.check('password', 'As1eRR') ); // { notMatched: 'password' }

Get examples

var v = require('2valid');
var example = v.getExample('email');
console.log( example ); //
console.log( v.valid('email', example) ); // true (email is valid)
console.log( v.check('email', example) ); // null (check why email is not valid)

Available types

type description
string string
integer integer number
float float number
boolean boolean
array array type
date date methods
email simple e-mail
password password, minimum 4 chars, at least one caps and one small letter, digit and special
md5 MD5 string
uuid UUID string
any any of elements of array


If check passed, then result is null.

Otherwise check result is object with these keys:

  • notMatched [object] - which key does not match which type
  • notRequired [array of string] - list of keys are not in model
  • notFound [array of string] - which keys in model are not found in checked object
  • text [string] - simple description of all errors

For example:

{ notMatched: { '.id': 'integer' },
  text: 'Field .id not matched with type integer. Field .secondName not required. Field .name not found',
  notRequired: [ '.secondName' ],
  notFound: [ '.name' ] }


Simple async mode

Check if integer

var v = require('2valid');

v.check( 'integer', 111, function(err) {
  console.log(err); //null

v.check( 'integer', '61cecfb4-da43-4b65-aaa0-f1c3be81ec53', function(err) {
  console.log(err); // { notMatched: 'integer' }

With simple model

Check if valid to simple object with integer id and string name

var vm = require('./index');

var userModel = {
  id: {type: 'integer'},
  name: {type: 'string', required: true}

vm.check( userModel,
  { id: 123, secondName: 'Max Validator' },
  function(err) {
    console.log(err); // null

Full error stack

Validation failed with all types of errors

var vm = require('./index');

var userModel = {
  id: {type: 'integer'},
  name: {type: 'string', required: true}

vm.check( userModel,
  { id: 'Max', secondName: 'Validator' },
  function(err) {


{ notMatched: { '.id': 'integer' },
  text: 'Field .id not matched with type integer. Field .secondName not required. Field .name not found',
  notRequired: [ '.secondName' ],
  notFound: [ '.name' ] }

With register model

Rregister user model to check validation by model name

var v = require('2valid');

// register model 'user' to check integer 'id' and string 'name'
v.registerModel('user', {
  id: {type: 'integer'},
  name: {type: 'string'}

// object to check
var userObject = {id: 123, name: 'Alex Validates'}

// check if object is valid sync
var valid = v.check('user', userObject);
console.log(valid.text || 'object is valid');

// check if object is valid with callback
v.check('user', userObject, function(err) {
  console.log(err || 'object is valid');


object is valid

Nested object validator

Validate name.first and name.second

var v = require('2valid');

// property 'name' of 'user' model must have 'first' (required) and 'last' keys.
v.registerModel('user', {
    name: {
        first : { type: 'string', required: true },
        last  : { type: 'string' },

// {}
console.log(v.check('user', {name: {first: 'Alex', last: 'Validator'}}));
console.log(v.check('user', {name: {first: 'Marry'}}));

// { notFound: [ '.id', '.name.first' ],
//   text: 'Field .id not found in registered model. Field .name.first not found in registered model' }
console.log(v.check('user', {id: 123}));

// { notFound: [ '.name.first' ], text: 'Field .name.first not found in registered model' }
console.log(v.check('user', {name: {last: 'Alex'}}));

Regex validator

Only 'cyan', 'magenta', 'yellow' or 'key' can passed in cmyk model to validate

var v = require('2valid');

// property 'name' of 'cmyk' model must be 'cyan', 'magenta', 'yellow' or 'key' value
v.registerModel('cmyk', {name: { type: 'string', match : /^cyan|magenta|yellow|key$/i }});

// {}
console.log(v.check('cmyk', {name: 'Magenta'}));

// { notMatched: { '.name': 'string' }, text: 'Field .name not matched with type string' }
console.log(v.check('cmyk', {name: 'black'}));
console.log(v.check('cmyk', {name: 123}));

Any validator

Only 'cyan', 'magenta', 'yellow' or 'key' can passed in cmyk model to validate

var v = require('2valid');

console.log(v.check('any', 'yellow', {one: ['cyan', 'magenta', 'yellow', 'key']})); //passed
console.log(v.check('any', 123, {one: ['cyan', 'magenta', 'yellow', 'key']})); //{ notMatched: 'any' }

Required keys validator

Check if field is required

var v = require('2valid');

// property “id” required and must be uuid
v.registerModel('user', {id: { type: 'uuid', required: true }});

// {}
console.log(v.check('user', {id: '61cecfb4-da43-4b65-aaa0-f1c3be81ec53'}));

// { notMatched: { '.id': 'uuid' }, text: 'Field .id not matched with type uuid' }
console.log(v.check('user', {id: 123}));

// { notFound: [ '.name', '.id' ],
//   text: 'Field .name not found in registered model. Field .id not found in registered model' }
console.log(v.check('user', {name: 'Alex'}));

Length checking validator

Checking for fixed length of the string

var v = require('2valid');

// property “name” must be exacly 2 chars length
v.registerModel('ISO 3166-2', {name: { type: 'string', min: 2, max: 2 }});

// {}
console.log(v.check('ISO 3166-2', {name: 'US'}));

// { notMatched: { '.name': 'string' }, text: 'Field .name not matched with type string' }
console.log(v.check('ISO 3166-2', {name: 123}));
console.log(v.check('ISO 3166-2', {name: 'USA'}));
console.log(v.check('ISO 3166-2', {name: 'U'}));

Add type

You can add new type to validate in to types.js. 'check' method is required to check new inserted type.

For example, new type 'password'. It type must contains minimum 4 chars: at least one lower and one upper case, digit and special chars. Add code below to types.js in list property:

password : {
    min   : 4,         // string.min Minimum length of the string
    max   : Infinity,  // string.max Maximum length of the string
    check : function( password ){   // check password type and size
        if ( ( typeof string === 'string' || string instanceof String )
                && string.length >= this.min
                && string.length <= this.max
                && string.match(/((?=.*\\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[\W]).+)/)
            return true
            return false;


npm test

Module description

Methods and properties of 2valid

  • valid( modelName, entity ) - validate model modelName with entity. Return true if validate is ok. Otherwise, return false.
  • check( modelName, entity [, callback] ) - validate model modelName with entity. Return empty object if validate is ok. As callback, return error as first argument.
  • registerModel( modelName, modelObject ) - register model modelName with modelObject to check
  • registeredModels - list of registered models
  • showModelsFull() - show full information of registered model
  • dispose() - remove all registered modelNames

Register model

For register model you need to use registerModel method.

v.registerModel( 'user', {
  id:   { type: 'uuid', required: true }, // property “id” must be uuid
  name: { type: 'string', min: 4, max: 128, required: true }, // property “name” must be String and contain 4-128
  password: { type: 'password', max: 128, required: true }, // property “password” must be String and contain 4-128 chars:

Validate object

v.check( 'user', { id : '61cecfb4-da33-4b15-aa10-f1c6be81ec53', name : 'Validator', password : 'A1z!' })


  • Name is undefined
myLibrary.registerModel( 'Name', { id: { type: 'uuid', required: true } } );
  • Model in 'modelName' is undefined
myLibrary.registerModel( 'modelName', NaN );
  • Model 'modelName' is already registered
myLibrary.registerModel( 'modelName', { id: { type: 'uuid', min: 1, max: 5, required: true } } );
myLibrary.registerModel( 'modelName', { id: { type: 'name' } } );
  • No field 'name' in key 'name' in model 'modelName'
myLibrary.consoleTrueOrError ( myLibrary.check( 'modelName', { name  : 'Alex Validates' }) );
  • No type field exception
myLibrary.registerModel( 'name_exception', { date: { parameter: 'date' } } );
  • No guid type exception
myLibrary.registerModel( 'name_exception', { id: { type: 'guid' } } );

Release History

  • 0.1.0 Initial release
  • 0.2.0 Fix nested required object error
  • 0.2.2 Update errors handles
  • 0.2.4 Add match ability to string
  • 0.2.10 Split number to integer and float, add password type
  • 0.2.12 Validate md5 hash
  • 0.3.2 Change quotes in messages
  • 0.4.1 Replace result with notFound, notMatched and text keys
  • 2.0.1 Rename project to 2valid
  • 2.2.1 Add boolean and array types
  • 2.2.2 Add examples
  • 3.0.1 Add check function instead of depricateded validate

Created by

Dimitry, [email protected]

curl -A cv