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Reset time issue improper shutdown of mikrotik

ivanalayan15 edited this page Sep 4, 2022 · 1 revision

This was contributed by @ElvinSDagohoy this is not exactly part of the system and just for mikrotik temporary fix

Original Source but with errors when you execute at MT Terminal:

Disclaimer: Please test the script before using to actual production environment

Disclaimer: Used for demo or educational purposes only

Disclaimer: Not liable for any issues arise when running this script

Disclaimer: Use or test this script at your own risk.

Record Hotspot Usage Script

Development version only

YouTube video link:

By: Inquirinity

Algorithm (beta)

1. It will get uptime from the IP Hotspot Active

2. Save the value of uptime to temp script named for that user

The purpose of the temp script is to use

its "source" as a temporary field of active uptime value

3. It will deduct the value from the script source to the limit-uptime

hsactiveuptime is uptime in IP/Hotspot/Active

:local hsactiveuptime;

hslimit is limit-uptime in IP/Hotspot/User

:local hslimit;

hsuser is the hotspot user

:local hsuser;

hsusedtime is used to keep track of used time

this is the value inside the script source

:local hsusedtime;

hsuseduptime is the value in IP Hotspot User uptime

:local hsuseduptime; :do {

# Clean-up
# When the user is not in IP Hotspot active
# Remove the temp script for that user
:foreach i in=[/system script find where comment="temp"] do={
    :set hsuser [/system script get $i name];
    :set hsusedtime [/system script get $i source]
    :set hsuseduptime [/ip hotspot user get $hsuser uptime];
    :set hslimit [/ip hotspot user get $hsuser limit-uptime];
    # When the user is not in IP Hotspot active
    :if ( [/ip hotspot active find where user=$hsuser] = "") do={
        # Reset Counters
        # As part of the uptime was already stored in the temp script
        # and deducted to the limit-uptime
        # will deduct any remaining uptime
        # Then reset the counters for that user
        # Reset only when uptime is not 00:00:00
        :if ( $hsuseduptime > 0) do={
            /ip hotspot user set $hsuser limit-uptime=($hslimit - ($hsuseduptime - $hsusedtime));
            /ip hotspot user reset-counters $hsuser;
        # Then finally remove the temp script
        /system script remove $i;

# Begin Algorithm
# Check IP hotspot active is not empty
:if ( [/ip hotspot active print count-only] > 0 ) do={
    # 1. Get IP Hotspot Active Uptime
    # Go through every active users in IP hotspot
    :foreach i in=[/ip hotspot active find] do={
        # Store uptime, user and limit-uptime
        :set hsactiveuptime [/ip hotspot active get $i uptime];
        :set hsuser [/ip hotspot active get $i user];
        :set hslimit [/ip hotspot user get $hsuser limit-uptime];
        # 2.    
        # Check if there is already a script name for that active user
        # !="" means there is a match
        :if ( [/system script find where name=$hsuser] != "") do={
            # hsusedtime gets its value from what is inside the source
            :set hsusedtime [/system script get $hsuser source];
            # Scenario 1: No blackout
            # hsactiveuptime is greater than hsusedtime 
            :if ( $hsactiveuptime > $hsusedtime ) do={
                :if ( $hslimit > 1 ) do={
                    /ip hotspot user set $hsuser limit-uptime=($hslimit - ($hsactiveuptime - $hsusedtime)); 
                :if ( $hslimit <= 1 ) do={
                    /ip hotspot user set $hsuser limit-uptime="00:00:01" disabled=yes comment="No More Uptime";
                    /ip hotspot cookies remove $hsuser;
                    /ip hotspot active remove $hsuser;
                    /system script remove $hsuser;
            } else={
                # For future scenario
                # hsusedtime is less than hsactiveuptime
                #/ip hotspot user set $hsuser limit-uptime=($hslimit - $hsactiveuptime);
             /system script set $hsuser source=$hsactiveuptime comment="temp";
        # No temp script for that user, will add a temp script 
        } else={
                /system script add name=$hsuser source=$hsactiveuptime comment="temp";
                :set hsusedtime [/system script get $hsuser source]; 
                /ip hotspot user set $hsuser limit-uptime=($hslimit - $hsusedtime);



Modified by : Elvin Sotto Dagohoy G-Cash for Donation: 09760123642 (Elvin D) Removed the errors or bugs. Tested on HEX GR3 with multi vendo set-up

Step 1:

#Execute at MT Terminal in order to save a copy of Active Users current Uptime as reference for Session Time Left internal calculcation of MT #Session Time Left = Uptime Lmit - Saved Uptime - Active Uptime

:foreach i in=[/ip hotspot active find] do={
local hsactiveuptime [/ip hotspot active get $i uptime]; local hsuser [/ip hotspot active get $i user]; /system script add name=$hsuser source=$hsactiveuptime comment="temp"; }

Step 2:

Create a scheduler Script Sample name: Uptime Fix Interval: 00:03:00( or slightly higher)

Paste the script below on event:

:foreach i in=[/system script find where comment="temp"] do={
    :local hsuser [/system script get $i name];
    :local hsusedtime [/system script get $i source]
    :local hsuseduptime [/ip hotspot user get $hsuser uptime];
    :local hslimit [/ip hotspot user get $hsuser limit-uptime];
    :if ( [/ip hotspot active find where user=$hsuser] = "") do={
        :if ( $hsuseduptime > 0) do={
            /ip hotspot user set $hsuser limit-uptime=($hslimit - ($hsuseduptime - $hsusedtime));
            /ip hotspot user reset-counters $hsuser;
        /system script remove $i;
:if ( [/ip hotspot active print count-only] > 0 ) do={
    :foreach i in=[/ip hotspot active find] do={
        :local hsactiveuptime [/ip hotspot active get $i uptime];
        :local hsuser [/ip hotspot active get $i user];
        :local hslimit [/ip hotspot user get $hsuser limit-uptime];
        :if ( [/system script find where name=$hsuser] != "") do={
            :local hsusedtime [/system script get $hsuser source];
            :if ( $hsactiveuptime > $hsusedtime ) do={
                :if ( $hslimit > 1 ) do={
                    /ip hotspot user set $hsuser limit-uptime=($hslimit - ($hsactiveuptime - $hsusedtime)); 
                :if ( $hslimit <= 1 ) do={
                    /ip hotspot user set $hsuser limit-uptime="00:00:01" disabled=yes comment="No More Uptime";
                    /ip hotspot cookie remove $hsuser;
                    /ip hotspot active remove $hsuser;
                    /system script remove $hsuser;
            } else={                
             /system script set $hsuser source=$hsactiveuptime comment="temp";                 
        } else={
                /system script add name=$hsuser source=$hsactiveuptime comment="temp";
                :local hsusedtime [/system script get $hsuser source]; 
                /ip hotspot user set $hsuser limit-uptime=($hslimit - $hsusedtime);

Step 3;

Add the Script below at the bottom portion on your HotSpot User Profile On-logout Script

#Purpose is to reset counter of individual customer's Uptime instead of adding the current Active Uptime to Recorded Uptime #Scheduler at Step 2 will handle the calculations evey minute interval that you set.

:if ([/ip hotspot user get [/ip hotspot user find where name="$user"] limit-uptime] > 00:00:02) do={

  /ip hotspot user reset-counters [find user=$user];

} else={ /ip hotspot user remove $user; /file remove "$hotspotFolder/data/$macNoCol.txt"; /system sche remove [find name=$user]; /ip hotspot cookie remove [find user=$user]; }

{ :if ([/ip hotspot user get [/ip hotspot user find where name="$user"] limit-uptime] <= [/ip hotspot user get [/ip hotspot user find where name="$user"] uptime]) do={ /system scheduler set [find name=$user] interval=1m} }