This repository is a collection of simple scripts to connect between Arduinos (ex: ESP32), Webpages, Unity3D AR/VR, Python, Processing P5.JS, etc. It was created for courses like MIT How To Make Almost Anything and Harvard PS70 / T519 Intro to Digital Fabrication where electronic devices are connected through cables or wifi.
Devices / apps that can be connected building on scripts in this repo:
Arduinos including ESP32 (ex: connections over USB serial port, over Wifi websockets, over MIDI, etc)
Webpages (ex: connecting a web XR webpage to ESP32 using Websockets)
Processing (ex: connecting Arduino to a P5JS visualization through websockets, or to Processing4 using usb serial port)
Python (ex: running a websocket server in python)
Ableton (ex: connecting an Arduino to Ableton music using MIDI serial)
Serial: Scripts for sending sensor data from Arduino, or sending commands to the Arduino.
WebSockets: Scripts for running servers and clients on various devices, and connecting using webpages, Processing P5.js, ESP32, etc.
MIDI: Scripts for communicating MIDI over USB
TCP_UDP: (under construction) Scripts for raw communication through TCP/UDP sockets.
There are many ways of connecting depending on if you have wires or wireless.
In all cases, one device will need to send/receive data to a computer or other device that is able to talk the same protocol. The choice of protocol depends on your setup.
Will you talk to your Arduino using USB cable ? Then you'll do serial communication or MIDI.
Will you talk using wireless ? Then you'll need to run a client/server setup, e.g. through Websockets or TCP/UDP.
Here are some example setups: