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📍 Flask-Based Authentication with Redis

📎 Project Description This project implements an authentication system using Flask and Redis. Additionally, it features WebSocket notifications that inform active users when new accounts are registered.

💻 Development Stack

  • Frontend: HTML, CSS
  • Backend: Flask
  • Database: Redis
  • Password encryption: bcrypt
  • WebSockets: Flask-SocketIO

📌 Task 1: Static Profile Page

✅ Implemented a static profile page using HTML + CSS.

✅ The page contains a heading, text, and an image.

✅ The design was chosen freely.

✅ The static page is served at the root ('/') and later redirected.

✅ Static resources (CSS, images) are properly served.

✅ Used render_template() for rendering.

/ redirects to /login, which further redirects to /profile after authentication.

📌 Task 2: Authentication System with Database

Basic Requirements:

✅ Application listens on localhost:5000.

✅ Login page is rendered at http://localhost:5000/login.

✅ Upon successful authentication, users are redirected to /profile.

/profile is accessible only for authenticated users.

✅ User credentials are stored in Redis.

Advanced Requirements:

✅ Registration feature implemented (/register).

✅ Passwords are hashed using bcrypt.

✅ Logout functionality.

❌ Password change feature is missing.

❌ Profile picture updates are not available (default profile picture is used).

✅ Profile information can be updated.

Challenging Part:

✅ Implemented WebSocket notifications – active users receive messages when a new account is registered.

🚀 How to Run

  1. Install Python and Dependencies
  • Download and install Python: Python Download.
  • Open CMD as administrator and run: pip install flask flask-socketio redis bcrypt python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip
  1. Install and Run Redis
  • Install Redis via Chocolatey: choco install redis
  • Start the Redis server: redis-server
  1. Start the Project


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