Our project to the mini sumo-bot challenge at UFU.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
There are 6 ideas for the final robot, from top-down here they are:
- Made in China Robot: The idea is to assemble a personal sumobot using this chinese motors.
- Feijuca: Packet with 500g of beans.
- Ronaldo's Robot: test platform, just for tests and for fun.
- Pololu Zumo: Well, we don't have any money, but its a lovely robot. Feel free to donate us, we'll be delighted!
There are a lot of folders and files, but they are mostly empty :( - we need to get to work.
- Firmware: Arduino Codes.
- Main: The main arduino code.
- Other folders: The code for using and testing each part of the project.
- Buzzer_and_PushButton: To Do.
- DC_Motor: To Do.
- Distance_Sensor: To Do.
- Inertial_Sensor: Working on it.
- LCD_Display: To Do.
- Line_Sensors: To Do.
- Servo_Motor: To Do.
- Sttepers_Motors: To Do.
- Hardware: PCB, schematic and 3D models.
- 3D: 3D model of the final robot, including some parts for 3d printing.
- Libraries: Useful 3d models of arduino modules, arduinos, mechanical structures and eletronic devices.
- 3D Prototype: Working on it.
- 3D Print Files: Working on it.
- Circuit: PCB and schematic.
- Schematic: To Do.
- PCB layout: To Do.
- Fritzing scheme: Working on it.
- 3D: 3D model of the final robot, including some parts for 3d printing.
- Firmware - Arduino:
- Platomformio - Atom integration with PlatformIO (for building arduino files,but arduino IDE can also be used.).
- Arduino ID - If you prefer.
- [Library for Inertial Sensor] (https://github.com/jrowberg/i2cdevlib) - Download and place the folders Arduino/MPU6050, Arduino/HMC5883L and Arduino/i2cdevlib in the right place.
- Hardware - 3D:
- Cubex.
- SketchUp, AutoCad, Blender - Choosing...
- Cubex and 3dBuider - Needed for 3dPrinting.
- Hardware - Circuit:
- Fritzing.
- Eagle, Proteus, Altium, Orcad - Choosing...
There aren't actual versions yet, the "saco de feijão" is the closest thing we got.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
Italo Fernandes, Adrielle Nazar and Ronaldo Sena wrote this code.
As long as you retain this notice, you can do whatever you want with this stuff.
If we meet someday, and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy us a beer in return.
Italo Fernandes - https://github.com/italogfernandes - [email protected]
Adrielle Nazar - [email protected]
Ronaldo Sena - https://github.com/ronaldosena - [email protected]
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.