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Merge pull request #1 from adit-khokar/master
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adit-khokar authored May 28, 2020
2 parents d89db78 + 58296e3 commit 2360632
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Defines a class that is used to featurize audio clips, and provide
them to the network for training or testing.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import os
import random
import wave
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, wait
from functools import reduce

import numpy as np
import soundfile
from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided

RNG_SEED = 123
char_map_str = """
' 1
a 3
b 4
c 5
d 6
e 7
f 8
g 9
h 10
i 11
j 12
k 13
l 14
m 15
n 16
o 17
p 18
q 19
r 20
s 21
t 22
u 23
v 24
w 25
x 26
y 27
z 28
char_map = {}
index_map = {}
for line in char_map_str.strip().split('\n'):
ch, index = line.split()
char_map[ch] = int(index)
index_map[int(index)] = ch
index_map[2] = ' '

def calc_feat_dim(window, max_freq):
return int(0.001 * window * max_freq) + 1

def text_to_int_sequence(text):
""" Use a character map and convert text to an integer sequence """
int_sequence = []
for c in text:
if c == ' ':
ch = char_map['<SPACE>']
ch = char_map[c]
return int_sequence

def int_to_text_sequence(seq):
text_sequence = []
for c in seq:
if c == 28:
ch = ''
ch = index_map[c]
return text_sequence

def spectrogram(samples, fft_length=256, sample_rate=2, hop_length=128):
Compute the spectrogram for a real signal.
The parameters follow the naming convention of
samples (1D array): input audio signal
fft_length (int): number of elements in fft window
sample_rate (scalar): sample rate
hop_length (int): hop length (relative offset between neighboring
fft windows).
x (2D array): spectrogram [frequency x time]
freq (1D array): frequency of each row in x
This is a truncating computation e.g. if fft_length=10,
hop_length=5 and the signal has 23 elements, then the
last 3 elements will be truncated.
assert not np.iscomplexobj(samples), "Must not pass in complex numbers"

window = np.hanning(fft_length)[:, None]
window_norm = np.sum(window ** 2)

# The scaling below follows the convention of
# matplotlib.mlab.specgram which is the same as
# matlabs specgram.
scale = window_norm * sample_rate

trunc = (len(samples) - fft_length) % hop_length
x = samples[:len(samples) - trunc]

# "stride trick" reshape to include overlap
nshape = (fft_length, (len(x) - fft_length) // hop_length + 1)
nstrides = (x.strides[0], x.strides[0] * hop_length)
x = as_strided(x, shape=nshape, strides=nstrides)

# window stride sanity check
assert np.all(x[:, 1] == samples[hop_length:(hop_length + fft_length)])

# broadcast window, compute fft over columns and square mod
x = np.fft.rfft(x * window, axis=0)
x = np.absolute(x) ** 2

# scale, 2.0 for everything except dc and fft_length/2
x[1:-1, :] *= (2.0 / scale)
x[(0, -1), :] /= scale

freqs = float(sample_rate) / fft_length * np.arange(x.shape[0])

return x, freqs

def spectrogram_from_file(filename, step=10, window=20, max_freq=None,
""" Calculate the log of linear spectrogram from FFT energy
filename (str): Path to the audio file
step (int): Step size in milliseconds between windows
window (int): FFT window size in milliseconds
max_freq (int): Only FFT bins corresponding to frequencies between
[0, max_freq] are returned
eps (float): Small value to ensure numerical stability (for ln(x))
with soundfile.SoundFile(filename) as sound_file:
audio ='float32')
sample_rate = sound_file.samplerate
if audio.ndim >= 2:
audio = np.mean(audio, 1)
if max_freq is None:
max_freq = sample_rate / 2
if max_freq > sample_rate / 2:
raise ValueError("max_freq must not be greater than half of "
" sample rate")
if step > window:
raise ValueError("step size must not be greater than window size")
hop_length = int(0.001 * step * sample_rate)
fft_length = int(0.001 * window * sample_rate)
pxx, freqs = spectrogram(
audio, fft_length=fft_length, sample_rate=sample_rate,
ind = np.where(freqs <= max_freq)[0][-1] + 1
return np.transpose(np.log(pxx[:ind, :] + eps))

class DataGenerator(object):
def __init__(self, step=10, window=20, max_freq=8000, desc_file=None):
step (int): Step size in milliseconds between windows
window (int): FFT window size in milliseconds
max_freq (int): Only FFT bins corresponding to frequencies between
[0, max_freq] are returned
desc_file (str, optional): Path to a JSON-line file that contains
labels and paths to the audio files. If this is None, then
load metadata right away
self.feat_dim = calc_feat_dim(window, max_freq)
self.feats_mean = np.zeros((self.feat_dim,))
self.feats_std = np.ones((self.feat_dim,))
self.rng = random.Random(RNG_SEED)
if desc_file is not None:
self.step = step
self.window = window
self.max_freq = max_freq

def read_data(self, data_directory, max_duration=10.0):
labels = []
durations = []
keys = []
for group in os.listdir(data_directory):
speaker_path = os.path.join(data_directory, group)
if not os.path.isdir(speaker_path):
for speaker in os.listdir(speaker_path):
chapter_path = os.path.join(speaker_path, speaker)
if not os.path.isdir(chapter_path):
for chapter in os.listdir(chapter_path):
labels_file = os.path.join(chapter_path, chapter,
.format(speaker, chapter))
for line in open(labels_file):
split = line.strip().split()
file_id = split[0]
label = ' '.join(split[1:]).lower()
audio_file = os.path.join(chapter_path, chapter,
file_id) + '.wav'
audio =
duration = float(audio.getnframes()) / audio.getframerate()
if float(duration) > max_duration:

return keys, durations, labels

def featurize(self, audio_clip):
""" For a given audio clip, calculate the log of its Fourier Transform
audio_clip(str): Path to the audio clip
return spectrogram_from_file(
audio_clip, step=self.step, window=self.window,

def load_data(self, data_directory, partition='train',
""" Read metadata from the description file
(possibly takes long, depending on the filesize)
desc_file (str): Path to a JSON-line file that contains labels and
paths to the audio files
partition (str): One of 'train', 'validation' or 'test'
max_duration (float): In seconds, the maximum duration of
utterances to train or test on
audio_paths, durations, texts = self.read_data(data_directory, max_duration)
if partition == 'train':
self.train_audio_paths = audio_paths
self.train_durations = durations
self.train_texts = texts
elif partition == 'validation':
self.val_audio_paths = audio_paths
self.val_durations = durations
self.val_texts = texts
elif partition == 'test':
self.test_audio_paths = audio_paths
self.test_durations = durations
self.test_texts = texts
raise Exception("Invalid partition to load metadata. "
"Must be train/validation/test")

def load_train_data(self, data_directory):
self.load_data(data_directory, 'train')

def load_test_data(self, data_directory):
self.load_data(data_directory, 'test')

def load_validation_data(self, data_directory):
self.load_data(data_directory, 'validation')

def sort_by_duration(durations, audio_paths, texts):
return zip(*sorted(zip(durations, audio_paths, texts)))

def normalize(self, feature, eps=1e-14):
return (feature - self.feats_mean) / (self.feats_std + eps)

def prepare_batch(self, audio_paths, texts):
""" Featurize a batch of audio, zero pad them and return a dictionary
audio_paths (list(str)): List of paths to audio files
texts (list(str)): List of texts corresponding to the audio files
dict: See below for contents
assert len(audio_paths) == len(texts), \
"Inputs and outputs to the network must be of the same number"
# Features is a list of (timesteps, feature_dim) arrays
# Calculate the features for each audio clip, as the log of the
# Fourier Transform of the audio
features = [self.featurize(a) for a in audio_paths]
input_lengths = [f.shape[0] for f in features]
max_length = max(input_lengths)
feature_dim = features[0].shape[1]
mb_size = len(features)
# Pad all the inputs so that they are all the same length
x = np.zeros((mb_size, max_length, feature_dim))
y = []
label_lengths = []
for i in range(mb_size):
feat = features[i]
feat = self.normalize(feat) # Center using means and std
x[i, :feat.shape[0], :] = feat
label = text_to_int_sequence(texts[i])
# Flatten labels to comply with warp-CTC signature
y = reduce(lambda i, j: i + j, y)
return {
'x': x, # (0-padded features of shape(batch_size, timesteps, feat_dim)
'y': y, # list(int) Flattened labels (integer sequences)
'texts': texts, # list(str) Original texts
'input_lengths': input_lengths, # list(int) Length of each input
'label_lengths': label_lengths # list(int) Length of each label

def get_generator(self, audio_paths, texts, batch_size, shuffle=True, sort_by_duration=False):
def generator():
num_samples = len(audio_paths)
while True:
if shuffle:
temp = list(zip(audio_paths, texts))
x, y = list(zip(*temp))

pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(1) # Run a single I/O thread in parallel
future = pool.submit(self.prepare_batch,
for offset in range(batch_size, num_samples, batch_size):
batch = future.result()
future = pool.submit(self.prepare_batch,
x[offset: offset + batch_size],
y[offset: offset + batch_size])
yield batch

return generator()

def get_train_generator(self, batch_size=16, shuffle=True):
return self.get_generator(self.train_audio_paths, self.train_texts, batch_size, shuffle)

def get_test_generator(self, batch_size=16, shuffle=True):
return self.get_generator(self.test_audio_paths, self.test_texts, batch_size, shuffle)

def get_validation_generator(self, batch_size=16, shuffle=True):
return self.get_generator(self.val_audio_paths, self.val_texts, batch_size, shuffle)

def fit_train(self, k_samples=100):
""" Estimate the mean and std of the features from the training set
k_samples (int): Use this number of samples for estimation
k_samples = min(k_samples, len(self.train_audio_paths))
samples = self.rng.sample(self.train_audio_paths, k_samples)
feats = [self.featurize(s) for s in samples]
feats = np.vstack(feats)
self.feats_mean = np.mean(feats, axis=0)
self.feats_std = np.std(feats, axis=0)

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