Template to generate a basic project with the necessary structure of folders and code with angular 2 and webpack.
- Project template
- Component template
@angular 2.0.0-rc.4
You need node.js tools to initialize tests and webpack compilation. Make sure you have Node version >= 4.0 and NPM >= 3 You must have node.js and its package manager (npm) installed in your project (You can obtain it from node).
Using a terminal, place yourself on the folder where the project will be hosted and then execute the following commands.
\anyfolder> npm install -g yo
\anyfolder> npm install -g generator-bz-ng2-webpack
Create projectFolder
\anyfolder> mkdir projectFolder
\anyfolder> cd projectFolder
Making use of a terminal, go to the folder where the template project will be hosted and then execute the following commands.
\projectFolder> yo bz-ng2-webpack
\projectFolder> cd WebContent
# change directory to our repo
cd {projectFolder}/WebContent
# Step 1: Add required global libraries
npm install typings webpack-dev-server rimraf webpack -g
# Step 2: Install the repo with npm
npm install
# Step 3: Start the server
npm start
Now that you have the template project installed, you are ready to browse on it http://localhost:3000
On the folder where the component template will be installed execute the following line :
\projectFolder\WebContent\app> yo bz-ng2-webpack:component
[Ivan Taimal]