This repository has been archived by the owner on May 1, 2020. It is now read-only.
Bug Fixes
- debug: cmd+shift+8 to show debug menu (a26d729)
- error: (cmd/ctrl)+8 for debug menu (89550af)
- error: add header padding for cordova iOS (5c4c547)
- error: apply correct css for runtime error close (81f1d75)
- error: fix content scrolling (3b82465)
- error: reload immediately after js/html update (07f918e)
- error: safari css fixes (7c2fb59)
- serve: correct paths so that --lab works (1d99a98)
- serve: open browser to localhost (14275c7)
- transpile: normalize and resolve paths always for OS independence (ca6c889)
- watch: fallback for when chokidar watch ready/error don't fire (happens on windows when file is (519cd7f), closes #282
- watch: watch now ignores Mac OS meta data files (02d0b8d), closes #331
- webpack: source maps link to original src for ide debugging (39edd2e)