IWforums module 3.1.0 for Zikula 1.3.x from Intraweb project
In development!
- IWforums is a discussion forum module for the Zikula Application Framework
- You must install IWmain module. This module has general API for IW modules. In the configuration of this module, you must specify the path of a writable folder to save data files. IWmain provides also User Reports function for email sending with the news subscription from forum.
- You can install IWusers module (extends user functions) and then, forum module uses its profile information (name and surname)
- You must copy the following vendors into vendor folder in Zikula root path.
Download Bootstrap into Zk_root/vendor/bootstrap/. It's tested with Bootstrap 3.1.1
Download Font-awesome into Zk_root/vendor/font-awesome/. It's tested with Font-awesome 4.3.0
Download bootstrap-zikula.js into Zk_root/vendor/zikula1.4/. It's tested with 2014/06/21 version.
- Note: You can use this source to download quickly tested repositories.