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Working implementation of configurable deploy path
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heralden committed Nov 9, 2021
1 parent 5f5c466 commit 1255ca5
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Showing 12 changed files with 129 additions and 82 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions config/defaults/config.edn
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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:logging-level "info"
:google-analytics nil
:bluegenes-tool-path "./tools"
:bluegenes-deploy-path nil
:bluegenes-backend-service-root nil
:bluegenes-default-service-root ""
:bluegenes-default-mine-name "FlyMine"
Expand All @@ -19,3 +20,4 @@
:hide-registry-mines false

17 changes: 16 additions & 1 deletion project.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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(defn ?slurp
"Slurp that returns nil if file doesn't exist."
(try (slurp f) (catch _)))

(def deploy-path
"Reads the :bluegenes-deploy-path key from envvar, config/dev/config.edn or
config/defaults/config.edn in order of decending precedence. This is only
used for development builds, which is why it doesn't cover all configuration
methods of yogthos/config."
(or (System/getenv "BLUEGENES_DEPLOY_PATH")
(some-> (or (?slurp "config/dev/config.edn")
(?slurp "config/defaults/config.edn"))
(clojure.edn/read-string) (:bluegenes-deploy-path))))

(defproject org.intermine/bluegenes "1.2.1"
:licence "LGPL-2.1-only"
:description "Bluegenes is a Clojure-powered user interface for InterMine, the biological data warehouse"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -154,7 +169,7 @@
:optimizations :none
:output-to "resources/public/js/compiled/app.js"
:output-dir "resources/public/js/compiled"
:asset-path "/js/compiled"
:asset-path ~(str deploy-path "/js/compiled")
:source-map-timestamp true
:pretty-print true
;:parallel-build true
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7 changes: 1 addition & 6 deletions src/clj/bluegenes/handler.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
(ns bluegenes.handler
(:require [bluegenes.routes :refer [routes]]
[bluegenes-tool-store.core :as tool]
[compojure.core :as compojure]
[ring.middleware.session :refer [wrap-session]]
[ring.middleware.reload :refer [wrap-reload]]
[compojure.middleware :refer [wrap-canonical-redirect]]
Expand All @@ -20,10 +18,7 @@

(def combined-routes
(compojure/routes tool/routes routes))

(def handler (-> #'combined-routes
(def handler (-> #'routes
;; Watch changes to the .clj and hot reload them
(cond-> (:development env) (wrap-reload {:dirs ["src/clj"]}))
;; Add session functionality
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17 changes: 12 additions & 5 deletions src/clj/bluegenes/index.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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(pr-str (.getMessage e)))

(defn use-deployment-path
"Takes a URL string to a resource and prefixes the deployment path if defined."
(if-let [path (:bluegenes-deploy-path env)]
(str path url)

(defn head
(head nil {}))
Expand All @@ -87,8 +94,8 @@
[:link {:href rdf-url :rel "alternate" :type "application/rdf+xml" :title "RDF"}]))
(include-css "")
(include-css "")
(include-css bluegenes-css)
(include-css im-tables-css)
(include-css (use-deployment-path bluegenes-css))
(include-css (use-deployment-path im-tables-css))
(include-css "")
(include-css "")
; Meta data:
Expand All @@ -99,7 +106,7 @@
(str "var serverVars="
(let [server-vars (merge (select-keys env [:google-analytics
:bluegenes-default-service-root :bluegenes-default-mine-name :bluegenes-default-namespace
:bluegenes-additional-mines :hide-registry-mines])
:bluegenes-additional-mines :hide-registry-mines :bluegenes-deploy-path])
{:version bundle-hash})]
(str \" (escape-quotes (pr-str server-vars)) \"))
Expand All @@ -110,7 +117,7 @@
; Javascript:
;; This favicon is dynamically served; see routes.clj.
[:link {:href "/favicon.ico" :type "image/x-icon" :rel "shortcut icon"}]
[:link {:href (use-deployment-path "/favicon.ico") :type "image/x-icon" :rel "shortcut icon"}]
[:script {:src ""}]
[:script {:crossorigin "anonymous"
:integrity "sha256-cCueBR6CsyA4/9szpPfrX3s49M9vUU5BgtiJj06wt/s="
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -159,7 +166,7 @@
[:script {:src bundle-path}]
[:script {:src (use-deployment-path bundle-path)}]
;; Call the constructor of the bluegenes client and pass in the user's
;; optional identity as an object.
[:script "bluegenes.core.init();"]])))
80 changes: 42 additions & 38 deletions src/clj/bluegenes/routes.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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[bluegenes.index :refer [index]]
[config.core :refer [env]]
[bluegenes.utils :refer [env->mines get-service-root]]
[clj-http.client :as client]))
[clj-http.client :as client]
[bluegenes-tool-store.core :as tool]))

(defn with-init
"One of BlueGenes' web service could have added some data we want passed on
Expand All @@ -32,51 +33,54 @@
(get-in [:headers "Content-Type"])
(= "image/x-icon"))
(found mine-favicon)
(found "/favicon-fallback.ico"))))
(found (str (:bluegenes-deploy-path env) "/favicon-fallback.ico")))))

; Define the top level URL routes for the server
(def routes
(compojure/let-routes [mines (env->mines env)
favicon* (delay (get-favicon))]
;;serve compiled files, i.e. js, css, from the resources folder
(resources "/")
(context (:bluegenes-deploy-path env "/") []
;;serve compiled files, i.e. js, css, from the resources folder
(resources "/")

;; The favicon is chosen from the following order of priority:
;; 1. `public/favicon.ico` being present as a resource (admin will have to add this).
;; 2. `/<mine>/model/images/favicon.ico` being present on the default mine.
;; 3. `public/favicon-fallback.ico` which is always present.
;; Hence it follows that the following route won't be matched if [1] is true.
(GET "/favicon.ico" [] @favicon*)
;; The favicon is chosen from the following order of priority:
;; 1. `public/favicon.ico` being present as a resource (admin will have to add this).
;; 2. `/<mine>/model/images/favicon.ico` being present on the default mine.
;; 3. `public/favicon-fallback.ico` which is always present.
;; Hence it follows that the following route won't be matched if [1] is true.
(GET "/favicon.ico" [] @favicon*)

(GET "/version" [] (response {:version "0.1.0"}))
(GET "/version" [] (response {:version "0.1.0"}))

;; Anything within this context is the API web service.
(context "/api" []
(context "/auth" [] auth/routes)
(context "/ids" [] ids/routes)
(context "/rss" [] rss/routes))

;; Dynamic routes for handling permanent URL resolution on configured mines.
(apply compojure/routes
(for [{mine-ns :namespace :as mine} mines]
(context (str "/" mine-ns) []
(GET ["/:lookup" :lookup #"[^:/.]+:[^:/.]+(?:\.rdf)?"] [lookup]
(lookup/ws lookup mine)))))
;; Anything within this context is the API web service.
(context "/api" []
(context "/auth" [] auth/routes)
(context "/ids" [] ids/routes)
(context "/rss" [] rss/routes))

;; Passes options to index for including semantic markup with HTML.
(GET "/" []
(partial with-init {:semantic-markup :home
:mine (first mines)}))
(apply compojure/routes
(for [{mine-ns :namespace :as mine} mines]
(GET (str "/" mine-ns) []
(partial with-init {:semantic-markup :home
:mine mine}))
(GET (str "/" mine-ns "/report/:class/:id") [id]
(partial with-init {:semantic-markup :report
:mine mine
:object-id id})))))
;; Dynamic routes for handling permanent URL resolution on configured mines.
(apply compojure/routes
(for [{mine-ns :namespace :as mine} mines]
(context (str "/" mine-ns) []
(GET ["/:lookup" :lookup #"[^:/.]+:[^:/.]+(?:\.rdf)?"] [lookup]
(lookup/ws lookup mine)))))

(GET "*" []
(partial with-init {}))))
;; Passes options to index for including semantic markup with HTML.
(GET "/" []
(partial with-init {:semantic-markup :home
:mine (first mines)}))
(apply compojure/routes
(for [{mine-ns :namespace :as mine} mines]
(GET (str "/" mine-ns) []
(partial with-init {:semantic-markup :home
:mine mine}))
(GET (str "/" mine-ns "/report/:class/:id") [id]
(partial with-init {:semantic-markup :report
:mine mine
:object-id id})))))

(GET "*" []
(partial with-init {})))))
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions src/clj/bluegenes/ws/auth.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,6 +33,8 @@
;; "client manages token" approach chosen by default for historical reasons, as
;; each API client has been doing this. At some point we might raise this
;; question again...
;; ^ not possible right now; JSESSIONID only works for JSP webapp, not WS requests
;; => Keep it as it is!

(defn use-backend-service
"Substitute service root for the one the backend is configured to use, if it
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -134,7 +136,7 @@
user+token (assoc user
:token token
:login-method :oauth2)]
(-> (response/found (str "/" mine-id))
(-> (response/found (str (:bluegenes-deploy-path env) "/" mine-id))
(assoc :session ^:recreate {:identity user+token
:init {:identity user+token
:renamedLists renamedLists}})))
Expand All @@ -143,7 +145,7 @@
(let [{:keys [body]} (ex-data e)
error (or (:error (cheshire/parse-string body true))
(ex-message e))]
(-> (response/found (str "/" mine-id))
(-> (response/found (str (:bluegenes-deploy-path env) "/" mine-id))
(assoc :session {:init {:events [[:messages/add
{:style "warning"
:markup (str "Failed to login using OAuth 2.0"
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8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions src/clj/bluegenes/ws/lookup.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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[clojure.string :as str]
[cheshire.core :as cheshire]
[clj-http.client :refer [with-middleware]]
[bluegenes.utils :as utils]))
[bluegenes.utils :as utils]
[config.core :refer [env]]))

(def extension->content-type
{"rdf" "application/rdf+xml;charset=UTF-8"})

(defn handle-failed-lookup [lookup-string {:keys [namespace]} error-string]
(let [msg [:span "Failed to parse permanent URL for " [:em lookup-string] " "
[:code error-string]]]
(-> (response/found (str "/" namespace))
(-> (response/found (str (:bluegenes-deploy-path env) "/" namespace))
(assoc :session {:init {:events [[:messages/add
{:style "warning"
:timeout 0
Expand All @@ -30,7 +31,8 @@
:value identifier}]}
res (im-fetch/rows service q)]
(if-let [object-id (get-in res [:results 0 0])]
(response/found (str "/" namespace
(response/found (str (:bluegenes-deploy-path env)
"/" namespace
"/" "report"
"/" object-type
"/" object-id))
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29 changes: 18 additions & 11 deletions src/cljs/bluegenes/effects.cljs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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[oops.core :refer [ocall oget oset!]]
[goog.dom :as gdom]
[ :as gstyle]
[goog.fx.dom :as gfx]))
[goog.fx.dom :as gfx]
[bluegenes.config :refer [server-vars]]
[clojure.string :as str]))

;; Cofx and fx which you use from event handlers to read/write to localStorage.

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:delete http/delete
:put http/put
(let [c (http-fn uri (cond-> {}
query-params (assoc :query-params query-params)
json-params (assoc :json-params json-params)
transit-params (assoc :transit-params transit-params)
form-params (assoc :form-params form-params)
multipart-params (assoc :multipart-params multipart-params)
headers (update :headers #(merge % headers))
(and token @token) (update :headers assoc "X-Auth-Token" @token)
progress (assoc :progress progress)))]
(let [c (http-fn (if (str/starts-with? uri "/")
;; Path only = API call to BG backend.
(str (:bluegenes-deploy-path @server-vars) uri)
;; Full address = API call to external service.
(cond-> {}
query-params (assoc :query-params query-params)
json-params (assoc :json-params json-params)
transit-params (assoc :transit-params transit-params)
form-params (assoc :form-params form-params)
multipart-params (assoc :multipart-params multipart-params)
headers (update :headers #(merge % headers))
(and token @token) (update :headers assoc "X-Auth-Token" @token)
progress (assoc :progress progress)))]
(go (let [{:keys [status body] :as response} (<! c)]
(<= 200 status 399) (when on-success (dispatch (conj on-success body)))
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(fn [new-path]
(.replaceState js/window.history nil "" (str "/" new-path))))
(.replaceState js/window.history nil "" (str (:bluegenes-deploy-path @server-vars) "/" new-path))))

;; filename - string including extension
;; filetype - string to be appended to 'text/' forming a mime type
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8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions src/cljs/bluegenes/events/auth.cljs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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[bluegenes.effects :as fx]
[bluegenes.route :as route]
[imcljs.auth :as im-auth]
[bluegenes.interceptors :refer [origin]]))
[bluegenes.interceptors :refer [origin]]
[bluegenes.config :refer [server-vars]]))

(defn slim-service
"Constrains a service map to only the keys needed by the backend API."
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(fn [{db :db origin :origin} [_ provider]]
(let [current-mine (:current-mine db)
service (get-in db [:mines current-mine :service])
redirect_uri (str origin "/api/auth/oauth2callback?provider=" provider)]
redirect_uri (str origin
(str (:bluegenes-deploy-path @server-vars)
{:db (update-in db [:mines current-mine :auth] assoc
:error? false)
::fx/http {:uri "/api/auth/oauth2authenticator"
Expand Down
6 changes: 1 addition & 5 deletions src/cljs/bluegenes/events/boot.cljs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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(let [default-ns (read-default-ns)
;; We have to set the db current-mine using `window.location` as the
;; router won't have dispatched `:set-current-mine` before later on.
current-mine (-> (.. js/window -location -pathname)
(str/split #"/")
(or default-ns))
current-mine (or (keyword (utils/mine-from-pathname)) default-ns)
;; These could be passed from the Bluegenes backend and result in
;; events being dispatched.
renamedLists (some-> @init-vars :renamedLists not-empty)
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16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions src/cljs/bluegenes/route.cljs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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[reitit.frontend :as rf]
[reitit.frontend.controllers :as rfc]
[reitit.frontend.easy :as rfe]
[bluegenes.config :refer [read-default-ns]]
[clojure.string :as str]))
[bluegenes.config :refer [read-default-ns server-vars]]
[clojure.string :as str]
[bluegenes.utils :as utils]))

;; # Quickstart guide:
;; (aka. I just want to route something but don't want to read all this code!)
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;; for all our routes. Doing this would fix the discrepancy we currently have
;; between `:set-active-panel` and the router events.
(def routes
[(str (:bluegenes-deploy-path @server-vars) "/")
[{:parameters {:path [:mine]}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -292,14 +293,13 @@
;; We end up here when there are no matches (empty or invalid path).
;; This does not apply when the path references a nonexistent mine.
(let [paths (str/split (.. js/window -location -pathname) #"/")
target-mine (-> paths
(or (name (read-default-ns))))]
deploy-paths (str/split (:bluegenes-deploy-path @server-vars) #"/")
target-mine (or (utils/mine-from-pathname) (name (read-default-ns)))]
(dispatch [::navigate ::home {:mine target-mine}])
(when (> (count paths) 2)
(when (>= (count paths) (+ 2 (count deploy-paths)))
(dispatch [:messages/add
{:markup [:span "You have been redirected to the home page as the path "
[:em (->> paths (drop 2) (str/join "/"))]
[:em (.. js/window -location -pathname)]
" could not be resolved."]
:style "warning"
:timeout 0}])))))
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