You might be able to get these specs working on ancient versions of <= Centos 5 / <= RHEL 5/ <= Fedora 15, but it is a royal pain, and requires some crazy patching to do so. It is practical to use a more current distribution release. Please don't send me patches or requests for those older OS. They won't get accepted.
These are written and tested against couchdb-1.2.0
- Instructions for setting up rpmbuild on Fedora
- sudo yum install autoconf automake libtool curl-devel erlang-erts erlang-etap erlang-ibrowse erlang-mochiweb erlang-oauth erlang-os_mon help2man js-devel libicu-devel perl-Test-Harness erlang-crypto erlang-erts erlang-inets erlang-kernel erlang-sasl erlang-stdlib erlang-tools
- Configure EPEL rpm -ihv
- Instructions for setting up rpmbuild on Centos NOTE: Do not install redhat-rpm-config
- If you want a ~4X faster couchdb replace js-devel-1.7, build and install working js-devel-1.8.5 (See
- Install js and js-devel rpms from step above or sudo yum install js js-devel
- sudo yum install autoconf automake libtool curl-devel erlang-erts erlang-etap erlang-ibrowse erlang-mochiweb erlang-oauth erlang-os_mon help2man libicu-devel perl-Test-Harness erlang-crypto erlang-erts erlang-inets erlang-kernel erlang-sasl erlang-stdlib erlang-tools
- Download release archive from
- Checkout couchdb from
- Create an archive from a release tag or repo revision: git archive --format=tar --prefix=apache-couchdb-1.2.0/ fb72251bc | gzip >apache-couchdb-1.2.0.tar.gz
- Comment out "autoreconf -ivf" and uncomment './bootstrap' as configure doesn't exist in git repo and needs bootstrapped
- mv downloaded archive to ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES
- cd This project dir
- cp .spec ~/rpmbuild/SPECS
- cp *.patch ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES
- cp couchdb.init ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES
- cd ~/rpmbuild/SPECS
- If building a version other than 1.2.0, update the spec file to reflect your version change.
- rpmbuild -ba couchdb.spec
- Installable rpms will reside in ~/rpmbuild/RPMS
- Please take a look at for ability to build against specific erlang and spidermonkey versions.
- Drop by #couchdb if you have any questions.