Gain instant monitoring and protection into GraphQL APIs. Unblock platform teams and accelerate GraphQL adoption. Inigo's platform integration offers GraphQL Security, Analytics, Rate-limiting, Access Control and more.
This package is the Inigo plugin for the Apollo Rust Router
- Import the Inigo library in your Cargo.toml
cargo add inigo-rs
- a. Setup Inigo plugin (without registry)
use apollo_router::register_plugin;
use inigo_rs::Middleware;
register_plugin!("inigo", "middleware", Middleware);
fn main() {
match apollo_router::main() {
Ok(_) => {}
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("{}", e);
- b. Setup Inigo plugin (with registry)
use apollo_router::register_plugin;
use inigo_rs::registry::InigoRegistry;
use inigo_rs::Middleware;
register_plugin!("inigo", "middleware", Middleware);
fn main() {
match InigoRegistry::new(None).and(apollo_router::main()) {
Ok(_) => {}
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("{}", e);
- Configure the plugin
token: "your-inigo-service-token"
Tip: It can also be an environment variable
token: "${env.INIGO_SERVICE_TOKEN}"
- a. Automatic FFI library loading Inigo Rust Router will automatically download the Inigo library from the Inigo service. Only if configured.
token: "${env.INIGO_SERVICE_TOKEN}"
auto_download_library: true
- b Manual FFI library loading Place a copy of Inigo lib file in the docker and set this env variable. For example:
INIGO_LIB_PATH=/ # Change depending on path/file name (platform and architecture)
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Distributed under the MIT License.