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Merge pull request #201 from inhabitedtype/misc-comments
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add some miscellaneous comments from a long-term branch
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dpatti authored Apr 20, 2021
2 parents 10ce839 + 8213e22 commit d523e6f
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Showing 5 changed files with 51 additions and 47 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -115,6 +115,7 @@ let rec do_execute_read t on_eof on_read =
t.on_eof <- default_on_eof;
t.on_read <- default_on_read;
on_eof ()
(* [Faraday.operation] never returns an empty list of iovecs *)
| `Writev [] -> assert false
| `Writev (iovec::_) ->
t.read_scheduled <- false;
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10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions lib/httpaf.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -459,8 +459,8 @@ module Body : sig
consume, or when the input channel has been closed and no further bytes
will be received by the application.
Once either of these callbacks have been called, they become inactive.
The application is responsible for scheduling subsequent reads, either
Once either of these callbacks have been called, they become inactive.
The application is responsible for scheduling subsequent reads, either
within the [on_read] callback or by some other mechanism. *)

val write_char : [`write] t -> char -> unit
Expand All @@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ module Body : sig
val schedule_bigstring : [`write] t -> ?off:int -> ?len:int -> Bigstringaf.t -> unit
(** [schedule_bigstring w ?off ?len bs] schedules [bs] to be transmitted at
the next opportunity without performing a copy. [bs] should not be
modified until a subsequent call to {!flush} has successfully
modified until a subsequent call to {!flush} has successfully
completed. *)

val flush : [`write] t -> (unit -> unit) -> unit
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -690,7 +690,7 @@ module Server_connection : sig
connection to consume. *)

val read_eof : t -> Bigstringaf.t -> off:int -> len:int -> int
(** [read_eof t bigstring ~off ~len] reads bytes of input from the provided
(** [read_eof t bigstring ~off ~len] reads bytes of input from the provided
range of [bigstring] and returns the number of bytes consumed by the
connection. {!read_eof} should be called after {!next_read_operation}
returns a [`Read] and an EOF has been received from the communication
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -779,7 +779,7 @@ module Client_connection : sig
connection to consume. *)

val read_eof : t -> Bigstringaf.t -> off:int -> len:int -> int
(** [read_eof t bigstring ~off ~len] reads bytes of input from the provided
(** [read_eof t bigstring ~off ~len] reads bytes of input from the provided
range of [bigstring] and returns the number of bytes consumed by the
connection. {!read_eof} should be called after {!next_read_operation}
returns a [`Read] and an EOF has been received from the communication
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,7 +38,8 @@

let persistent_connection ?(proxy=false) version headers =
let _ = proxy in
(* XXX(seliopou): use proxy argument in the case of HTTP/1.0 *)
(* XXX(seliopou): use proxy argument in the case of HTTP/1.0 as per *)
match Headers.get headers "connection" with
| Some "close" -> false
| Some "keep-alive" -> Version.(compare version v1_0) >= 0
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -263,6 +263,8 @@ module Reader = struct
handler response Body.empty;
| `Fixed _ | `Chunked | `Close_delimited as encoding ->
(* We do not trust the length provided in the [`Fixed] case, as the
client could DOS easily. *)
let response_body = Body.create_reader Bigstringaf.empty in
handler response response_body;
body ~encoding response_body *> ok
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82 changes: 41 additions & 41 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ type informational = [
| `Switching_protocols

type successful = [
type successful = [
| `OK
| `Created
| `Accepted
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -205,53 +205,53 @@ let to_code = function

let really_unsafe_of_code = function
(* Informational *)
| 100 -> `Continue
| 101 -> `Switching_protocols
| 100 -> `Continue
| 101 -> `Switching_protocols
(* Successful *)
| 200 -> `OK
| 201 -> `Created
| 202 -> `Accepted
| 203 -> `Non_authoritative_information
| 204 -> `No_content
| 205 -> `Reset_content
| 206 -> `Partial_content
| 200 -> `OK
| 201 -> `Created
| 202 -> `Accepted
| 203 -> `Non_authoritative_information
| 204 -> `No_content
| 205 -> `Reset_content
| 206 -> `Partial_content
(* Redirection *)
| 300 -> `Multiple_choices
| 301 -> `Moved_permanently
| 302 -> `Found
| 303 -> `See_other
| 304 -> `Not_modified
| 305 -> `Use_proxy
| 307 -> `Temporary_redirect
| 300 -> `Multiple_choices
| 301 -> `Moved_permanently
| 302 -> `Found
| 303 -> `See_other
| 304 -> `Not_modified
| 305 -> `Use_proxy
| 307 -> `Temporary_redirect
(* Client error *)
| 400 -> `Bad_request
| 401 -> `Unauthorized
| 402 -> `Payment_required
| 403 -> `Forbidden
| 404 -> `Not_found
| 405 -> `Method_not_allowed
| 400 -> `Bad_request
| 401 -> `Unauthorized
| 402 -> `Payment_required
| 403 -> `Forbidden
| 404 -> `Not_found
| 405 -> `Method_not_allowed
| 406 -> `Not_acceptable
| 407 -> `Proxy_authentication_required
| 408 -> `Request_timeout
| 409 -> `Conflict
| 410 -> `Gone
| 411 -> `Length_required
| 412 -> `Precondition_failed
| 413 -> `Payload_too_large
| 414 -> `Uri_too_long
| 415 -> `Unsupported_media_type
| 416 -> `Range_not_satisfiable
| 417 -> `Expectation_failed
| 418 -> `I_m_a_teapot
| 420 -> `Enhance_your_calm
| 407 -> `Proxy_authentication_required
| 408 -> `Request_timeout
| 409 -> `Conflict
| 410 -> `Gone
| 411 -> `Length_required
| 412 -> `Precondition_failed
| 413 -> `Payload_too_large
| 414 -> `Uri_too_long
| 415 -> `Unsupported_media_type
| 416 -> `Range_not_satisfiable
| 417 -> `Expectation_failed
| 418 -> `I_m_a_teapot
| 420 -> `Enhance_your_calm
| 426 -> `Upgrade_required
(* Server error *)
| 500 -> `Internal_server_error
| 501 -> `Not_implemented
| 502 -> `Bad_gateway
| 500 -> `Internal_server_error
| 501 -> `Not_implemented
| 502 -> `Bad_gateway
| 503 -> `Service_unavailable
| 504 -> `Gateway_timeout
| 505 -> `Http_version_not_supported
| 504 -> `Gateway_timeout
| 505 -> `Http_version_not_supported
| c -> `Code c

let unsafe_of_code c =
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