It is built using the MERN Stack (MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js)! This project aims to streamline the process of managing blood donations with the following features:
- Donor Registration: Allows users to register as blood donors with their details.
- Blood Requests: Enables users to request specific blood groups.
- Inventory Management: Efficiently tracks available blood units and their details.
- User Authentication: Secure login and registration for users.
- Search Functionality: Quickly search for donors or blood groups as needed.
This project provides a seamless user experience and a robust platform for managing blood donations, making it easier for donors and recipients to connect.
Here are some useful resources that may help you with this project:
- node-cron - For scheduling tasks in Node.js.
- - An easy-to-use reference for cron syntax.
- Nodemailer - A module for sending emails in Node.js.
- MUI React Data Grid - Documentation for using Data Grid in Material-UI.
- MUI React Charts - Guide for implementing line charts with MUI.
- react-toastify - For adding notifications in React.