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Currently for macOS Catalina


  1. Run install script
  2. Remove .ansible folder
    rm -r ~/.ansible

Run playbook

Using implicit localhost

ansible-playbook -v --ask-become-pass site.yml

Run one role

ansible localhost -m include_role -a name="{name}"

Create new role

ansible-galaxy init --role-skeleton=roles/skel roles/new_role

Manual Setup

  1. Keyboard
    Keyboard -> Keyboard -> Use F1, F2...
    Keyboard -> Keyboard -> Modifiers Keys -> Caps Lock Key -> No Action
  2. Disable mouse pinter locate
    Accessibility -> Display -> Cursor -> Shake mouse pointer to locate
  3. Trackpad
    Accessibility -> Pointer Control -> Trackpad Options -> Enable draggin -> three finger drag
    Trackpad -> More Gestures -> Swipe between full-screen apps -> Swipe left or right with four fingers
    Trackpad -> More Gestures -> Mission Control -> Swipe up with four fingers
    Trackpad -> More Gestures -> App Expose -> Swipe down with four fingers
  4. Spelling
    Keyboard -> Text -> *Disable everything
  5. Time
    Date & Time -> Clock -> Display the time with seconds
    Date & Time -> Clock -> Show date
  6. Dock
    Dock -> Minimize windows using -> Scale Effect
    Dock -> Position on screen -> Left
    Dock -> Automatically hide and show Dock


  1. osx_defaults