This tool is a command-line helper for managing scoped DNS configurations on macOS. It adds or removes DNS resolvers to use for specific domains and IP ranges, so-called split-horizon or scoped DNS.
The use-case could be, for example, to add a private, scoped DNS resolver for use with a VPN connection, sending only specific DNS queries to a resolver reachable via the VPN tunnel. The scoped DNS configuration could then be removed when the VPN connection is turned off.
- Configure domain-specific DNS resolvers
- Support for multiple domains and DNS servers
- Support for reverse DNS zones using CIDR notation
- Automatic conversion between CIDR and
formats - Easy addition and removal of configurations
Use in a Nix (flakes) configuration with nix-darwin
Add the repository as an input in your flake:
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "*";
scopeddnsutil = {
url = "github:imgrant/scopeddnsutil";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
Include it in your outputs section, and pass it to, eg environment.systemPackages
in a darwinConfiguration
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, scopeddnsutil, ... }: {
darwinConfigurations.your-machine = darwin.lib.darwinSystem {
system = "aarch64-darwin"; # or "x86_64-darwin" for Intel Macs
modules = [
environment.systemPackages = [
You could specify the package in home.packages
to install it as a user-specific package via Home Manager instead.
nix run github:imgrant/scopeddnsutil
nix shell github:imgrant/scopeddnsutil
nix build github:imgrant/scopeddnsutil
swift build -c release
The binary will be available at .build/release/scopeddnsutil
scopeddnsutil [add|remove] [options]
Required Options:
-r, --resolvers <ip>[,<ip>...] IP address(es) of DNS resolvers
-d, --domains <domain>[,...] Domain(s) to scope these resolvers for
-i, --cidrs <cidr>[,...] IP address ranges in CIDR notation
-v, --verbose Show detailed output
-q, --quiet Suppress all output
-h, --help Show this help message
$ sudo scopeddnsutil add \
--domains "" \
--resolvers ""
Added scoped DNS entry
Afterwards, you can use scutil
to confirm that the configuration is working:
$ scutil --dns
DNS configuration
resolver #1
search domain[0] :
search domain[1] : lan
nameserver[0] :
if_index : 14 (en0)
flags : Request A records
reach : 0x00020002 (Reachable,Directly Reachable Address)
resolver #2
domain :
nameserver[0] :
flags : Supplemental, Request A records
reach : 0x00000002 (Reachable)
order : 103000
$ sudo scopeddnsutil remove \
--domains "" \
--resolvers ""
Removed scoped DNS entry
Confirm that the scoped configuration has been removed:
$ scutil --dns
DNS configuration
resolver #1
search domain[0] : lan
nameserver[0] :
if_index : 14 (en0)
flags : Request A records
reach : 0x00020002 (Reachable,Directly Reachable Address)
resolver #2
domain : local
options : mdns
timeout : 5
flags : Request A records
reach : 0x00000000 (Not Reachable)
order : 300000
- macOS 13 or later
- Administrator privileges (
) for modifying DNS configuration
An AI code assistant was used to write this program. I'm not a macOS developer, nor have used
Swift before—there may will be bugs.
The reverse lookup zones and CIDR processing is particularly suspect; it handles the common cases like /8
, /24
fine, but could make mistakes with more complex values. Caveat emptor.
The Nix derivation and flake were copied from Samasaur1/nix-swift-hello.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.