This project aims to solve the N-Queens problem using two approaches in reinforcement learning and sequence modeling: Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) and Decision Transformers. The N-Queens problem involves placing N chess queens on an N×N chessboard so that no two queens threaten each other.
Dependencies can be installed using the following command:
conda env create -f conda_env.yml
python PPO/ --board_size <boardsize> --timesteps <total_timesteps> --lr <learning_rate>
python Decision_Transformers/ --state_dim <state_dim> --dataset_name <dataset_name> --output_dir <output_dir> --epochs <num_train_epochs> --batch_size <per_device_train_batch_size> --learning_rate <learning_rate> --weight_decay <weight_decay> --optim <optimizer>
python PPO/ --model_path <model_path> --board_size <board_size> --episodes <number_of_episodes>
python Decision_Transformers/ --model_path <model_path> --states_dim <number_of_queens> --dataset_name <dataset_name> --episodes <number_of_episodes> --max_ep_len <maximum_episode_length> --target_return <target_return_value> --scale <reward_scale>