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Items Manager

Simple web app to manage items.
For Wallapop Take home test



This project is made with:

  • React
  • Custom design system (built fully from scratch)
  • Typescript
  • MobX for global state
  • SASS



  • Node >= v16.x
  • Yarn >= v1.22.x
  • or NPM >= v8.3.x

Run the following commands:

git clone
cd items-manager

In the project directory, you can run to following command to run the app.

yarn start

I should've included a .env.example file for the user to copy it to .env with the appropriate env variables data. However, this project does not require any sensitive data so I'm gonna make an exception and include the .env file directly in this repo. (which I do not normally do :D)

Once the app is running, it will be available at http://localhost:3000

Run app using docker

Wana use docker? just make sure to have docker and docker compose installed and run the following command:

yarn docker-start


sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up

Once the docker container is up and running, the app will be available at http://localhost:3000


For this project I had to create a design system from scratch using Figma. Once finished, I proceeded to create all the atomic UI components using React + SASS.

Apart from the components styling, every view / design element has it's own SASS file and the main app component has global styles reset rules applied to it.

This app was developed having responsiveness in mind.

For this project I decided to use only SASS for styling. Normally, in my day to day FE tasks I also use JSX and styled components.


I do have hands-on experience with jest and cypress and I would've loved to test very single component that I've developed. But due to time constraint I couldn't do extensive testing.

yarn test:unit

Runs the unit test that I time to write.

This repo includes the following components tests:


  • No router was used for the app to keep it simple and to avoid using any additional external libraries other than react.
  • Localization support is not added, but it would have been nice.
  • The search algorithms that are used are not the best. I would've loved to use a fuzzy search but I don't have enough time to implement it.
  • If this project belonged to a client, I would ask to clarify multiples things about the requirements:
    • How does the user wants to use this app to determine how to implement a good UX for searching, filtering and navegation in general.
    • How do they would like to search the price (exact values, a range or both)
    • etc...
  • Due to my day job, it took me way too long to create all the components, and because of that I couldn't do extensive testing. :(