A TweetBot-like notice component for iOS.

- Drop the WBNoticeView folder in your project
- Add QuartzCore.framework to your project
The behavior in version 1 was "fire and forget". Calling showErrorNoticeInView or showSuccessNoticeInView displayed the notice, but there was no way to retain it for later use. Version 2 allows the developer to instantiate a notice, customize it (optional) and show it. Not only it's possible to retain it, but also customize it anytime with say, a different title and message. Oh, yeah… and it's cleaner too.
New in 2.1 is a different type of notice: Sticky. As it name implies, the notice will remain visible until the user taps on it to dismiss it. The usage follows the Error and Success notice pattern:
WBStickyNoticeView *notice = [WBStickyNoticeView stickyNoticeInView:self.view title:@"7 New Tweets."];
[notice show];
Since version 2 is more flexible, I have eliminated the older examples and replaced them with the new API. Please note that the older API is still there, for backward compatibility.
To display a small error notice:
WBErrorNoticeView *notice = [WBErrorNoticeView errorNoticeInView:self.view title:@"Network Error" message:@"Check your network connection."];
[notice show];
If the message provided doesn't fit in one line, the notice will be enlarged to accommodate the text:
WBErrorNoticeView *notice = [WBErrorNoticeView errorNoticeInView:self.view title:@"Network Error" message:@"Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book."];
[notice show];
To display a small success notice:
WBSuccessNoticeView *notice = [WBSuccessNoticeView successNoticeInView:self.view title:@"Link Saved Successfully"];
[notice show];
Instead of piling up a bunch of arguments in a method call, I decided to use properties instead. This way, new properties can be added easily without having to clutter the API with specialized methods.
Example: customize a success notice with a bit of transparency and placing the notice at a specific Y coordinate:
WBSuccessNoticeView *notice = [WBSuccessNoticeView successNoticeInView:self.view title:@"Link Saved Successfully"];
notice.alpha = 0.8;
notice.originY = self.headerView.frame.size.height;
[notice show];
If you pass nil instead of a valid UIView, an NSInvalidArgumentException exception will be raised.
The default values are the following:
if (nil == title) title = @"Unknown Error";
if (nil == message) message = @"Information not provided.";
if (0.0 == duration) duration = 0.5;
if (0.0 == delay) delay = 2.0;
if (0.0 == alpha) alpha = 1.0;
if (origin < 0.0) origin = 0.0;
I'd love to include your contributions. Feel free to improve it, send comments or suggestions. If you have improvements please send me a pull request.
You can ping me on Twitter — @titusmagnus.