University of Oslo
- Oslo, Norway
- folk.uio.no/ilyakh
spell-check Public
Forked from atom/spell-checkSpell check Atom package
CoffeeScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 26, 2014 -
serial-trigger Public
Triggers a ADC recording by a serial message passed from Matlab via Arduino, to record the reaction to stimuli through probes in the brain of a mouse.
Arduino UpdatedOct 5, 2013 -
solidpython-elements Public
Parametric elements designed in SolidPython. Improves the usual CSG workflow through use of OOP principles. Also, the 'box' is now a 'cuboid'. Thanks to Evan T. Jones for the 'solidpython' it was b…
sonen-talk-schedule Public
Automatic talk schedule mapping for the makerspace events.
Python UpdatedAug 30, 2013 -
sonen-temporary Public
Single static page presentation of our makerspace for the immatriculation week.
UpdatedAug 10, 2013 -
sonen-v5 Public
A theme for an institutionalized makerspace. Commissioned by the Institute of informatics at University of Oslo. Most noteworthy traits: noscript tolerance, responsiveness, support for IE8.
PHP UpdatedJul 30, 2013 -
acceleration-logger-v3 Public
Cheap acceleration/rotation logger made through a long, painful and expensive process. Fetches motion data via I2C and stores it on an SD-card handled by an OpenLog from SFE.
Python UpdatedJul 28, 2013 -
tusenfryd-visual Public
Visualization tool for a generic science instrument. An attempt to automate frame-in-frame & data video splicing via Processing. Word of advice, get yourself a FinalCut Pro.
wordpress-autoconfig Public
Simple recipe to develop and assign privileges to a wordpress installation specific for local servers at the Institute of informatics. I will never repeat this process again. Made me take a better …
Python UpdatedJun 27, 2013 -
sommer-wordpress Public
A semi-responsive, graphic theme commissioned by faculty of mathematics at university of oslo. Default background courtesy of "Ribbons" demo from Processing examples. Proudly created ahead of order.
PHP UpdatedJun 24, 2013 -
Arduino and Processing combined to visualize a tri-axial accelerometer output.
Arduino UpdatedJun 23, 2013 -
jardin Public
json-based communication protocol for Arduino with device handshake detection. Consistently defined communication over efficiency. A great deal of C-pointers.
Arduino UpdatedJun 17, 2013 -
sonen-3d Public
Configuration files that force cheap plastic into Printrbot producing mediocre results. Waste of time and oxygen.
UpdatedMay 12, 2013 -
wp-fathom-clean Public
A clean borderless template theme for wordpress based on fathom.js.
JavaScript UpdatedApr 11, 2013 -
arduino-state-planner Public
Base code generator for Arduino state machines
Python UpdatedMar 30, 2013 -
kristin-suit Public
Light effects for a pink futuristic cosplay suit by Kristin Sunde. Incorporates 8 piranha LED and an addressable LED-strip.
Arduino UpdatedMar 26, 2013 -