Enables external computer programs to interface with Medoc Main Station software using a closed set of commands and responses. Provides programmatic access to specific actions that can be applied during a typical test procedure. Works with a standard ethernet cable.
A machine for precise thermal pain stimulation temperature control. More information regarding the Medoc TSA 2 can be found at https://www.medoc-web.com/tsa-2.
A thermode for precise heat and cold stimulation. Deploys a heating rate of 70°C/sec and cooling rate of 40°C/sec, to deliver stimuli within a temperature range of 0°C to 55°C. More information regarding the CHEPS thermode can be found at https://www.medoc-web.com/cheps-for-tsa-2.
A socket is a physical interface on a computer that can send information from one object to another. More information regarding how to add a socket device can be found at https://support.pstnet.com/hc/en-us/articles/360020673193-DEVICE-How-To-Socket-Device-Communication-25288-.