Atwix Hotkeys extension provides an ability to use single key for accessing to different UI elements.
Base hotkeys are:
- 's' - Open search dialog.
- 'c' - Open shortcuts dialog.
- 'r' - Return to home page.
- 'f' - Open favourites tab.
- 'h' - Open history tab.
- 'm' - Open most viewed tab.
- 'p' - Open pinbar tab.
Use standard Package Manager in Oro Platform to find and install the extension.
Or use as dependency in composer:
"require": {
"atwix/hotkeys": "1.0",
You are able to map your own keys and maps by passing parameters to the hotkeysHandler()
Just override src/Atwix/Bundle/HotkeysBundle/Resources/views/Js/hotkeys.js.twig
and pass your own
settings to the object.
Example: open user menu by pressing 'u' button
{% if true == isDesktopVersion() and true == oro_config_value('atwix_hotkeys.hotkeys_enabled') %}
<script type="text/javascript">
require(['jquery', 'atwixhotkeys/js/hotkeys'], function($) {
$(function() {
var customKeys = {
usermenu: ['85', '.user-menu .dropdown-toggle', 'click']
var oroHotkeys = new hotkeysHandler(customKeys);
{% endif %}