This project is meant to import an XML file that contains the information of a learning resource in the IEEE LOM format into a relational database (MySQL). This way it will be accessed easily in any web project, like in Organic Edunet (
For installing the Analytics Service, a server with the following tools installed is required:
- PHP 5.4
- MySQL 5.5
- Apache
- Apache modules: mod_rewrite
The file of the virtual hosts of the Apache server should be something like this:
<virtualhost *:80>
serveradmin [email protected]
documentroot "/users/david/sites/github/lom2rdb"
<directory /users/david/sites/github/lom2rdb>
options indexes followsymlinks multiviews
allowoverride all
order allow,deny
allow from all
Download this project of Github and extract it to a local folder, or use the following command to instal it using Git:
git clone
You can put this in your default Apache server for accessing it through the URL http://localhost, or configure the Apache server as needed.
Create a new folder called "xml" in the root of the folder and copy inside there all the XML files you want to import to the database.
Edit the database connection parameters in the file vendor/ieru/Ieru/Ieruapis/Import/Config/Config.php (username, database, password, etc.).
Import the file ieee-lom-schema.sql into your database.
The project can be accessed, once installed correctly, through the browser. As it is using a custom REST engine ( and an API created for that REST engine, it has different methods that can be called for importing and exporting the IEEE LOM xml resources.
Retrieve in XML format a resource stored in the database
GET api/import/get/:id
- Description: allows the user to retrieve all the metadata of a learning resource in XML format.
- Params:
- id: the identifier of the resource (stored in the field of the database loms.lom_id).
- Example
- GET api/import/get/345