ZAMG (Zentralantstahlt fuer meteorologie und geodynamik) (Austria)
ONM (Office national de la meteorologie) (Algeria)
__E-MAIL : [email protected]
Last update : Vienna , 20-12-2018
This folder contains a first version of RadVS (Radar Doppler Velocity Simulator) a model to simulate radar radial velocity from a NWP model
The model is organized as following :
'' : Main script to read Model forecast file (in fa format) open and read the HDF5 observation file paralelizes th processes and finally write the obtained radial velocity values in the same used hdf5 file by overwritting VRAD parameter values
'mod' : Contains the necessary modules called by the main script : reading hdf5 file attributes and values : geographical transformation from polar to lat/lon grid : fortran module to perfome the interpolation from model grid points into observation locations : module used by in order to create PPI plots on polar grid
'tools' : Contains the tools : plot PPI(Polar Plan Indicator) for a given dataset : Scan opera odim file and prints all attributes values found under each dataset and station global informations
Python dependencies :
-EpyGrAM utility
This software is still missing some technical adaptation to handle all the files provided by the europeen opera hub community , and the algorithme used to simulate the radial wind could be improved by other sophisticated techniques.So be free to share and give any suggestions !!!
Dieses model war im december entwickelt , es war
bald weinachtsfest , so
Frohes weinachtenfest fuer alle !!!