Note: It is advised to have your laptop plugged-in to a power source before running the game, because on some Machines/Operating Systems the IDE won't be supplied with the necessary Processing Power and might result in laggy results.
- Clone the Repository
- Make sure to download and install Java 11 (
- Open the project in your favourite IDE (Intellij if possible since it was developed in this IDE) by Going to File > Open.. and selecting the build.gradle file
- Set Java 11 as your Java version in File > Project Structure.. > Project
- The game can be started by running the main of the Game class
- To login use nickname: test and password: test
- In Intellij go to the Gradle menu on top-right and double click the "check" button (from the "verification" drop-down) in order to run Jacoco, Spotbugs, PMD, Checkstyle and the tests.
- If you want to check the code coverage double click on the "JacocoTestReport" button (from the "verification" drop-down).
Background sound:
Hit sound:
Goal sound:
LibGdx tutorial:
Background Login image:
Background Board image:
LibGdx Library Documentation:
LibGdx Menu Skin: