A Cloudflare worker script to handle form data and send email to website admin. This serves as a backend to send user messages from a contact form on a website to the admin email address.
Cloudflare worker is a free service that can be used to run lightweight scripts in order to enhance the functionality of your static websites. For more information about Cloudflare Workers visit https://workers.cloudflare.com/
is the content of the Workers script.
Mailgun account. Create an account at mailgun.com. A free trial version is available, this is all you need to test this script. Make sure to register your
admin email
as one of the receiving emails if you are using the trial (sandox) version. -
Github account (optional)
⭐ Star the project if you find it helpful.
To use this project you will need to clone or download it.
This project is built using Cloudflare Wrangler. You will need it to build, test and deploy the script.
With installation complete, wrangler will need access to a Cloudflare OAuth token to manage Workers resources on your behalf.
Run the command wrangler login, which will automate this process.
Wrangler will attempt to automatically open your web browser to complete the login process to your Cloudflare account. If you have issues completing this step or you do not have access to a browser GUI, you can copy and paste the URL generated by wrangler login in your terminal into a browser and log in
$ wrangler login
Create a skeleton wrangler.toml in the project directory. This will initialize the project and prepare it for deployment.
$ wrangler init worker-email --type=webpack
A file named wrangler.toml
will be generated. This where all you configurations will be found.
Copy the environment variables bellow and paste them at the end of the file wrangler.toml
MAILGUN_KEY = "........................................."
MAILGUN_DOMAIN = "sandbox...................mailgun.org"
ADMIN_EMAIL = "adminemail"
ALLOWED_ORIGIN = "yourdomain.xyz"
LOGO_URL = "xyz.com/assets/logo.png"
FROM = "ABCD <[email protected]>"
Replace their values as required.
Use the wrangler-copy.toml
file as a sample.
In order to preview your Worker, you need to configure your project by adding your Account ID
to your project’s wrangler.toml
Run the command $ wrangler whoami
and copy your Account ID
account_id = "............................"
workers_dev = true
Again, use the wrangler-copy.toml
file as a sample
You can now test the script locally by running
$ wrangler dev
Your app will probably be served through http//
Send a post request to
with body = {
name: "Some name",
phone: "Some phone number",
email: "Some email",
subject: "Some subject",
message: "Some message",
eml2: ""
Make sure the origin
sending the post request is same as the environment variable ALLOWED_ORIGIN
. This script tries to fight against CORS attacks
If you are using trial (sandbox) version of Mailgun
make sure to register your ADMIN_EMAIL
as one of the receiving emails.
With your project configured, you can now publish your Worker.
To deploy to your *.workers.dev subdomain, run:
$ wrangler publish
Cloudflare Workers Guide Mailgun Free Account Mailgun Sandbox Tutorial