_____ _ _____ _ _ _
/ ____| | | | __ \| | (_) | |
| (___ __ _ _ _ __ _| |_| |__) | |__ _ ___| |__
\___ \ / _` | | | |/ _` | __| ___/| '_ \| / __| '_ \
____) | (_| | |_| | (_| | |_| | | | | | \__ \ | | | - Identification
|_____/ \__, |\__,_|\__,_|\__|_| |_| |_|_|___/_| |_|
| |
Welcome to SquatPhish-squatting-identification!
Squatting-Domain-Identification is part of SquatPhish project to identify squatting domains for popular brands.
It supports Five types of squatting identifications
- Homograph Squatting
- Typo Squatting
- Bits Squatting
- Combo Squatting
- Wrong TLD
Traget: facebook.com
faceb00k.pw: homograph
facecook.us: bits
facrbook.com.br: typo
facebook.online: wrongTLD
facebook-fan.de: combo
bash install.sh
Get squatting type of a domain.
python3 squatting_type.py [test domain] [target domain]
[squatting type]
python3 squatting_type.py xn--fcebook-8va.com facebook.com
python3 squatting_type.py fcaebook.com facebook.com
python3 squatting_type.py facebook.com google.com
python3 squatting_type.py alice-bo.com alice.com
Auto scan 100+ popular brands for squatting. No need to specify the brand domain this time.
python3 squatting_scan.py google-com.org
[google.com, combo]
python3 squatting_scan.py google.tk
[google.com, wrongTLD]
python3 squatting_scan.py facecook.com
[facebook.com, bits]
python3 squatting_scan.py facedook.com
[facebook.com, homo]
Squatting_dataset folder contains squatting domains for 766 brands.
We apply our tool for 20 million DNS records.
Format is target-domain, squatting-domain, squatting-dmain in utf8, squatting type, IP
Some records:
(u'facebook.com', 'facecook.us.', 'facecook.us', u'bits', '')
(u'facebook.com', 'xn--fcebook-8va.com.', u'f\xe0cebook.com', u'homo', '')
(u'github.com', 'ggithub.com.', 'ggithub.com', u'typo', '')
(u'github.com', 'gtihub.io.', 'gtihub.io', u'typo', '')
We extend urlcrazy and DNStwist for more efficient squatting detection, by adding a lot of stuff.
URLcrazy-0.5: https://www.morningstarsecurity.com/research/urlcrazy
DNStwist: https://github.com/elceef/dnstwist
increase homograph candidates
add combosquatting
make name consistent
This is a research prototype, use at your own risk.
If you feel this tool is useful, cite the tool as 🐕 SquatPhish 🐕 is highly appreiciated.
Core contributor: ke tian @ririhedou
Thanks hang hu @0xorz for reproduction testing.
Current version is 0.0.2, updated at June 04 2018