This is a technical test backend developer from PT Sekawan Media Informatika with a case study of a nickel company that needs an application to be able to monitor its vehicles.
Features • Building from source • Preview • Support •
- There are 2 users (admin and approver)
- There is a dashboard that displays a graph of vehicle usage
- Driver management
- Vehicle management
- Bookings management
- Activity log
Ensure you have Python 3.11.5 and Git installed.
Open a terminal and run the following commands.
- Set everything up.
- Linux/Mac/Windows (Command Prompt)
git clone && cd technical-test && composer update && cp .env.example .env && php artisan key:generate && php artisan migrate && php artisan db:seed && php artisan serve
- Authentication
- Admin :
[email protected]
- Approval 1 (Kantor Cabang) :
[email protected]
- Approval 2 (Kantor Pusat) :
[email protected]
- Requirement
- Database :
Mysql 8
- PHP :
php 8.2
- Framework :
Laravel 10
- PDM or database design
Some previews of web features
- Role Admin
- Dashboard
- Driver management
- Vehicle management
- Booking management
- Log Activity
- Role Approval 1
- Booking approval
- Role Approval 2
- Booking approval
- You can support the development of Tambang Nikel through donations on GitHub Sponsors.
- You can also leave a star on the github for more weebs to know about it.
- Tambang Nikel is open to pull requests, so if you have ideas for improvements, feel free to contribute!