Python 3.7+ / Docker
A config render tool based on Jinja template variables.
Configurer will use the following priority order:
- Variables from the env file
- Variables in the Environment context
You can define variables inside your config using the Jinja2 templating system.
config: {{ my_variable }}
Additionally Jinja2 filters let you transform the value of a variable within a template expression using filters. Check out the built-in filters to know more.
The easier way to run configurer is using docker. Keep reading to render the demo project:
Set your paths and run:
export MY_CONFIG_FOLDER=$(pwd)/demo/config_templates
export MY_OUTPUT_FOLDER=$(pwd)/demo/config_output
export MY_VAR_FILE=$(pwd)/demo/vars.txt
docker run --rm --volume $MY_CONFIG_FOLDER:/source:ro --volume $MY_OUTPUT_FOLDER:/output --volume $MY_VAR_FILE:/vars/var_file:ro iago1460/configurer
Or keep it running watching for changes:
docker run --rm --volume $MY_CONFIG_FOLDER:/source:ro --volume $MY_OUTPUT_FOLDER:/output --volume $MY_VAR_FILE:/vars/var_file:ro iago1460/configurer --watch
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ python3 -m configurer -h
usage: [-h] [--vars VARS_PATH] --output OUTPUT_PATH --source
SOURCE_PATH [--watch]
Renders files replacing variables when possible.
Example usage:
python3 -m configurer --source ./demo/config_templates --output ./config
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--vars VARS_PATH Path to the file with variables.
--output OUTPUT_PATH Path to the output directory.
--source SOURCE_PATH Path to the source directory.
--watch Keep watching for changes.
--verbose Makes curl verbose during the operation. Useful for debugging and seeing what is going on "under the hood".