I3T - An Interactive Tool for Teaching Transformations
I3T is an educational application that allows the study of 3D transformations and their hierarchy in an illustrative way.
It is the result of the work of students of three Parts of the Czech Technical University in Prague:
- The Department of Computer Graphics and Interaction of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
- The Department of Computer Science of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
- The Faculty of Information Technology.
Start I3T and try the Tutorials. Or read the manual.
The first version of I3T was created by Michal Folta in 2016.
- Martin Herich
- Jaroslav Holeček
- Dan Rakušan
- Adam Loucký
- Miroslav Müller
- Vít Zadina
- Filip Uhlík
- Lukáš Pilka
- Jaroslav Kolář
Pay attention to project code style.
You will need C++23 compiler with support for std::expected
see compiler support for more information
about compiler versions.
Supported platforms:
Platform | Compiler | Status |
Windows | MSVC | ✔️ |
Linux | GCC | ✔️ |
Linux | Clang | ❌️ |
MacOS | GCC | ❌️ |
MacOS | Clang (Xcode) | ❌️ |
For more information about building the project, see build instructions.
For local documentation build, you will need Node.js installed.
npm install
npm run docs:dev
Data/ All Assets (fonts, models, scenes, textures, tutorials,...)
Dependencies/ Directory with external dependencies.
- assets/
- developer-guide/
- Doxygen/
- Commands/ Commands for the command pattern.
- Core/ Core of the application.
- GUI/ ImGui windows, dialogs, elements.
- Elements
- Dialogs/
- Modals/
- Nodes/
- Windows/
- ImGui/ Implementation of ImGui backend.
Test/ Unit tests, copies structure of the Source/ directory.
Please make sure, that you include only source code and files needed for building or running the application (configuration, data) to version control.
See code style for more information.
Manual is available here.
- See how to add new node.
- See how to add new tutorial.
- assimp (BSD-3-Clause)
- glfw (Zlib)
- glm (MIT)
- gtest (BSD-3-Clause)
- ImGui (MIT)
- imgui_markdown (Zlib)
- imgui_test_engine (Dear ImGui Test Engine License)
- ImGuiColorTextEdit (MIT)
- ImGuizmo (MIT)
- lua (MIT)
- magic_enum (MIT)
- portable-file-dialogs (WTFPL)
- rttr (MIT)
- sol2 (MIT)
- spdlog (MIT)
- yaml-cpp (MIT)