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API Document

Icy Cloud edited this page Feb 16, 2022 · 21 revisions

Welcome to the I2cylib API Document | 欢迎浏览I2cylib API文档

I2cyLib, a multifunctional Python library created by I2cy, aims to cover multiple aspects of daily programming in networking, engineering, cryptography and etc.


Notice: All protected API are not displayed in this document.


API Catalogue | API目录

Network | 网络 sub catalogue | 子目录 [source 源码]

A port scanning tool, which has its own command line version, use command i2scan in terminal for more.

一种端口扫描工具,有提供的接口以程序形式调用,也可在终端中单独使用该工具,使用i2scan命令可查看其具体用法。 sub catalogue | 子目录


class, ports, max_thread_allowed=512, echo=None)

Base 基类: object

Return 返回: I2Target

All scanner are based on I2Target object.


I2Target is subscriptable, usage: I2Target[host][port], this returns the port status of the target host.


Arguments 形参
hosts (List([str])) Set the target hosts to apply scanner. 设置扫描的目标地址(列表形式)
ports (List([int])) Set the ports to scan in each host. 设置所需要扫描的端口(列表形式)
max_thread_allowed (int >=1 default: 512) Set the maximum number of threads to exist at the same time. 设置最大线程数,越大扫描速度越快,但可能会导致出错
echo (i2cy.utils.stdout.Echo default: None) Set the standard output API. 设置标准输出接口,接口必须来自i2cy.utils.stdout.Echo


Return 返回: int

Return the value of len(hosts) * len(ports).


__getitem__(self, item)

Return 返回: dict

Return all ports status dict of the target host.


Arguments 形参
item (str) Target host. 目标地址(不含端口)

scan(self, timeout=3, wait=True, verbose=False, msg=b"GET /index.html HTTP/1.1")

Return 返回: I2Target

Start the scanner to scan target ports.


Arguments 形参
timeout (int >=0 default: 3) Set the timeout value for each scanner if it has one. 设置连接超时时间
wait (bool default: True) Set weather should this scanner wait for all sub threads stop. 设置函数是否阻塞等待所有线程扫描完毕
verbose (bool default: False) Allow scanner to output real time scan message in terminal. 允许扫描器实时输出扫描信息
msg (bytes default: b"GET /index.html HTTP/1.1") Set the message to send in all scanner sub threads. 设置所有扫描器向服务端对应端口发送的数据

is_open(self, host, port)

Return 返回: bool

Return the selected target port status. If the target is still in testing, returns None.


Arguments 形参
host (str) Set the target host. 目标地址
port (int) Set the target port. 目标端口


class, ports, max_thread_allowed=512, echo=None)

Base 基类: I2Target

Return 返回: FullScan

Full connection scanner object. Use TCP connection to test the target port status and restore its feedback for analysis later.


FullScan is subscriptable, usage: FullScan[host][port], this returns the port status of the target host.


Arguments 形参
hosts (List([str])) Set the target hosts to apply scanner. 设置扫描的目标地址(列表形式)
ports (List([int])) Set the ports to scan in each host. 设置所需要扫描的端口(列表形式)
max_thread_allowed (int >=1 default: 512) Set the maximum number of threads to exist at the same time. 设置最大线程数,越大扫描速度越快,但可能会导致出错
echo (i2cy.utils.stdout.Echo default: Echo()) Set the standard output API. 设置标准输出接口,接口必须来自i2cy.utils.stdout.Echo


Return 返回: int

Return the value of len(hosts) * len(ports).


__getitem__(self, item)

Return 返回: dict

Return all ports status dict of the target host.


Arguments 形参
item (str) Target host. 目标地址(不含端口)

scan(self, timeout=3, wait=True, verbose=False, msg=b"GET /index.html HTTP/1.1")

Return 返回: FullScan

Start the scanner to scan target ports.


Arguments 形参
timeout (int >=0 default: 3) Set the timeout value for each scanner if it has one. 设置连接超时时间
wait (bool default: True) Set weather should this scanner wait for all sub threads stop. 设置函数是否阻塞等待所有线程扫描完毕
verbose (bool default: False) Allow scanner to output real time scan message in terminal. 允许扫描器实时输出扫描信息
msg (bytes default: b"GET /index.html HTTP/1.1") Set the message to send in all scanner sub threads. 设置所有扫描器向服务端对应端口发送的数据

is_open(self, host, port)

Return 返回: bool

Return the selected target port status. If the target is still in testing, returns None.


Arguments 形参
host (str) Set the target host. 目标地址
port (int) Set the target port. 目标端口

get_feedback(self, host, port)

Return 返回: bytes

Return the selected target feedback. If the target is still in testing, returns None.


Arguments 形参
host (str) Set the target host. 目标地址
port (int) Set the target port. 目标端口 [source 源码]

A secured extended socket protocol based-on TCP/IP. I2TCP has reached its new generation (version 2.0), which embedded with dynamic token authentication, optional SSL like secured socket layer based on I2TCP, automatic logging system, connection handle distributing system, watchdogs for main thread and connection handler, automatic heartbeat, and more features like package buffer. Both client and server handler can select packages with specified header, while sending extended I2TCP package size up to 16 MB each with automatic package slicing algorithm. Non-encrypted transmission speed reaches 270MB/s (tested on Surface Pro 7+ with 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1165G7 @ 2.80GHz). Simplified API makes networking projects much more easier to develop. Use I2TCP to get rid of those annoying low-level raw socket programming without any security issue.

一种基于TCP/IP的安全扩展套接字协议。I2TCP已进入新一代(2.0版),它嵌入了动态令牌身份验证、基于I2TCP的可选SSL类安全套接字层、自动日志系统、连接句柄分发系统、主线程和连接句柄的看门狗、自动心跳,以及包缓冲区等更多功能。客户端和服务器处理程序都可以选择具有指定标头的包,同时使用自动包切片算法发送扩展的I2TCP包,每个包的大小高达16 MB。非加密传输速度达到270MB/s(在Surface Pro 7+上使用第11代Intel(R)Core(TM)[email protected]进行测试)。简化的API使网络项目更容易开发。使用I2TCP可以摆脱那些烦人的低级原始套接字编程,而不存在任何安全问题。 sub catalogue | 子目录

Client, hostname, port=24678, key=b"I2TCPbasicKey", watchdog_timeout=15, logger=None, max_buffer_size=100)

Base 基类: I2TCPclient

Return 返回: Client

I2TCP Client object, embedded with APIs: send, get, reset, connect


Arguments 形参
hostname (str) Server address. 服务器地址
port (int default: 24678) Server port. 服务器端口
key (bytes default: b"I2TCPbasicKey") Dynamic key for authentication. 对称动态密钥
watchdog_timeout (int >=1 default: 15) Watchdog timeout. 守护线程超时时间
logger (i2cylib.utils.Logger default: Logger()) Client log output object. 日志器接口(来自于i2cylib.utils.logger.logger.Logger)
max_buffer_size (int >=0 default: 100) Max pakcage buffer size. 最大包缓冲池大小(单位:个)

connect(self, timeout=10)

Return 返回: bool connection status. 连接状态

Build I2TCP connection to server and start watchdogs and reciver thread


Arguments 形参
timeout (int >=0 default:10) Set the connection timeout time. 设置超时时间

send(self, data)

Return 返回: int Total length of data that sent to server. 总共发送的数据长度(包括I2TCP协议包头)

Send data to server.


Arguments 形参
data (bytes) Data that to be send to server (length must be smaller than 16MB). 待发送的数据,长度小于16MB

get(self, header=None, timeout=0)

Return 返回: bytes Depacked data, return None if no package is found/received. 解析后的包数据(不含协议层),若未找到数据包或超时,则返回None

Get data from package buffer that received from server, you can also specify the package header that this method will retern the oldest package that match this header you specified. Otherwise, this method will return the oldest package that received from server.


Arguments 形参
header (bytes default: None) Package header to filter. 筛选的包头部,可留空
timeout (int >=0 default:0) Set the max time to wait until a package is find/received. 设置超时值


Return 返回: None

Reset client and kill all sub threads, which means you will disconnect from server.


Server, key=b"I2TCPbasicKey", port=24678, max_con=20, logger=None, secured_connection=True, max_buffer_size=100, watchdog_timeout=15, timeout=20)

Base 基类: I2TCPserver

Return 返回: Server

I2TCP Server object, embedded with APIs: start, kill, get_connection


Arguments 形参
key (bytes default: b"I2TCPbasicKey") Dynamic key for authentication. 对称动态密钥
port (int default: 24678) Server port. 服务器端口
max_con (int >=0 default:20) Max connection counts that allowed to be handled by server. 服务器最大同时连接数
logger (i2cylib.utils.Logger default: Logger()) Client log output object. 日志器接口(来自于i2cylib.utils.logger.logger.Logger)
secured_connection (bool default:True) Use secured socket layer and random session key to encrypt data. 是否使用安全连接模式
max_buffer_size (int >=0 default: 100) Max pakcage buffer size. 最大包缓冲池大小(单位:个)
watchdog_timeout (int >=1 default: 15) Watchdog timeout. 守护线程超时时间
timeout (int >=1 default: 20) Connection timeout. 连接超时时间

Example to create a I2TCP server at with token b"testToken123". When the first connection has been handled, handler will repeat the data and send it back to client until handler received a pakcage b"CLOSE"


from i2cylib import Server
srv = Server(key=b"testToken123", port=12000)
con = srv.get_connection(wait=True)
while True:
    data = con.get()
    if data is not None:
        if data == b"CLOSE":

start(self, port=None)

Return 返回: None

Build I2TCP server and start to listening the target port


Arguments 形参
port (int default:None) Update server port. 重新设置服务器监听端口


Return 返回: None

Shutdown server and stop every sub threads


get_connection(self, wait=False)

Return 返回: Handler Connection handler. 连接句柄处理接口

Build I2TCP server and start to listening the target port


Arguments 形参
wait (bool default:False) Should the method wait while no connections to be handled. 设置当没有待处理的连接时是否阻塞等待

Handler, srv, addr, parent, timeout=20, buffer_max=256, watchdog_timeout=15, temp_dir="temp")

Base 基类: I2TCPhandler

Return 返回: Handler

I2TCP server connection handler, it provides API like kill, get and send. Handler object usually can not initialized by user, it is generated from method.


Arguments 形参
srv (socket.socket) raw socket object. socket对象
addr (tuple) Connection address. 来访连接地址。
parent ( Server object. Server对象
timeout (int >=1 default: 20) Connection timeout. 连接超时时间
buffer_max (int >=0 default: 100) Max pakcage buffer size. 最大包缓冲池大小(单位:个)
watchdog_timeout (int >=1 default: 15) Watchdog timeout. 守护线程超时时间
temp_dir (str default: "temp") Cache directory path (abandoned). 临时缓存目录(已废弃,设置无用)

send(self, data)

Return 返回: int Total length of data that sent to client. 总共发送的数据长度(包括I2TCP协议包头)

Send data to client.


Arguments 形参
data (bytes) Data that to be send to client (length must be smaller than 16MB). 待发送的数据,长度小于16MB

get(self, header=None, timeout=0)

Return 返回: bytes Depacked data, return None if no package is found/received. 解析后的包数据(不含协议层),若未找到数据包或超时,则返回None

Get data from package buffer that received from client, you can also specify the package header that this method will retern the oldest package that match this header you specified. Otherwise, this method will return the oldest package that received from client.


Arguments 形参
header (bytes default: None) Package header to filter. 筛选的包头部,可留空
timeout (int >=0 default:0) Set the max time to wait until a package is find/received. 设置超时值


Return 返回: None

Close the connection and kill all sub threads, which means you will disconnect from client.


Crypto | 加密


Filesystem | 文件系统


Database | 数据库


Engineering | 工程、自动化

Utils | 实用工具
