This is a hack of Pokémon Emerald.
- Friendship evolutions are now easier to hit.
- Lightball increases attack and special attack for the Pikachu family.
- Howl is added to sound moves.
- Shininess has been increased to 64/65536.
- The Pickup table has been changed slightly. All vitamins and All TMs can be retrieved.
- Castform now shows its shiny color if it changes form. (Shiny palettes made by me, may not be 100% accurate)
- Ghost type moves are now special and Dark type moves are now physical.
- Running is now allowed indoors.
- Each badge increases obedience levels like Gen 5+.
- Poison is now super effective to Bug.
- Psychic is now not very effective to Bug.
- Grass is now not very effective to Ice.
- Eggs now hatch at level 1.
- Nidoran M and Volbeat are now able to make Nidoran F and Illumise eggs.
- Nidorina and Nidoqueen are able to breed.
- Splash now does damage when raining based on the weight of the Pokémon using it. (Same table as Low Kick)
- Swarms now include more Pokémon to choose from and more locations to find them. (Currently just Surskit from RS)
- Restrictions on Mew and Deoxys has been lifted. All Mews and Deoxys will obey the trainer if possible.
- Electric type Pokemon are immune to paralysis.
- Pokémon with one ability may have a second new ability that changes or stays the same upon evolution.
- The main section of the bag has been increased.
- Many moves will receive updated data.
- Castform will now change into its rocky form during a sandstorm. (Needs sprite)
- Snow is now an overworld weather that starts hail in battle. (Currently Unused)
- Added the Snow Warning ability. (Currently Unused)
- Gave a use for Cacophony. It does 50% more damage with sound moves and takes 25% less damage from sound moves. (Currently Whismur family only)
- Added the Fairy type and Fairy boost item.
- Some Pokémon will have new types to them. (List is long and may not be final)
- Pokémon that evolve by trading will now use a special item to evolve.
- Volt Tackle is now an egg move for Pichu. (Can still be obtained by Light Ball)
- Legendary Pokémon now have items specifically for them.
- More in game trades.
- More TMs.
- Using up a repel will cause a message to reuse it like in Gen 5+.
- Egg moves have been greatly expanded with many new Pokémon being able to learn many new moves.
- All starters have been added to a special location post-Champion.
- Over 10 new routes and 2 new towns added to the post-Champion.
- New abilities similar to Blaze/Torrent/Ovegrow/Swarm for the other types. (Needs more names)
- An evolution stone shop has been added to XXX.
- Certain legendary Pokémon have received new events in game.
- Event only items can be received through in game events post-E4.
- Focus Sash item. (Effect added)
- Unobtainable Hoenn Pokémon have returned to the routes they used to be on.
- Over 50 more Pokémon added to the Hoenn regional dex.
- Some of the beta Gold/Silver Pokémon have made it to Hoenn.