This approach of k8s cost metrict collection for OptScale is obsolete due to multiple architectural flaws. Reworked implementation can be found here -
Ready-to-deploy setup of components necessary for kubernetes cost management and FinOps in Hystax OptScale.
- Prometheus
- Prometheus node-exporter module
- kube-state-metrics
- nginx (optional, for setting up authentication)
- Kubernetes 1.16+
Helm chart for the OptScale Kubernetes Collector project, which is created to collect Kubernetes resources information and share it with OptScale FinOps project -
These resources can be deployed with the following single command:
kubectl apply -f
- Helm 3+
helm install --namespace optscale --create-namespace --set nginx.service.type=NodePort --set nginx.service.enabledExternalPort=true --set nginx.service.externalPort=31222 --set nginx.passwd=$(htpasswd -nbm "optscale" "<SOME_PASSWORD>") monitoring .
helm install --namespace optscale --create-namespace --set nginx.service.internalPort=4433 --set nginx.passwd=$(htpasswd -nbm "optscale" "<SOME_PASSWORD>") monitoring .
The following table lists the commonly used configurable parameters of the Helm chart and their default values.
Parameter | Description | Default |
nginx.enabled | if false , use another way to expose the Prometheus port |
true |
nginx.service.type | NodePort or LoadBalancer |
LoadBalancer |
nginx.service.internalPort | Internal NGINX Server Port Number | 4433 |
nginx.passwd | MD5 hash of the username and password to login to the Agent metrics | optscale:<SOME_MD5_PASSWORD> |
nginx.service.enabledExternalPort | use true for NodePort and false - LoadBalancer |
false |
nginx.service.externalPort | Agent external Node port number | 31222 |