After a while, we got a new xdph update, bringing better performance, improved screensharing, and bugfixes :)
New stuff
- added screencopy:max_fps config option
- core: don't critically exit when no HOME env is set
- core: avoid using uninitialized ptrs
- screencast: remove frame callbacks on stream state change
- screencast: fixup timing issues with frame re-scheduling
- nix: use same nixpkgs input for hyprlang by @andresilva in #164
- cmake fixes by @solopasha in #166
- picker: Allow dialog resizing by @rurigk in #173
- picker: Adds elided buttons for better readability by @rurigk in #176
- picker: Save the output name to a proper variable instead of parsing it from the button text by @rurigk in #183
- Unbreak build with sdbus-cpp 1.5.0 by @jbeich in #193
- core: reset screenshot pointer aswell by @gulafaran in #209
- fix : inShellPath, Permission denied by @v3llocet in #213
- Small fixes by @cnt0 in #215
- Update README.md by @maltbeverage in #223
- screen copy: clamp the timer to a miminum of 6 milliseconds by @Aqa-Ib in #226
New Contributors
- @solopasha made their first contribution in #166
- @rurigk made their first contribution in #173
- @gulafaran made their first contribution in #209
- @v3llocet made their first contribution in #213
- @cnt0 made their first contribution in #215
- @maltbeverage made their first contribution in #223
- @Aqa-Ib made their first contribution in #226
Full Changelog: v1.3.1...v1.3.2