Slackbot for calculating Harvest balance.
- Harvest user can query her flextime balance using the bot.
- Harvest admins can also generate excel sheets with monthly statistics of all users.
- Supports only Finnish working regulation and public holidays.
Harvestbot is deployed in Google Cloud. Functionality is implemented with Google Cloud functions that can be integrated to Slack service. Emails are sent using SendGrid-service.
Show flextime balance for current Slack user
Generate monthly statistics excel and send it via email to current Slack user
/flextime stats 2019 3
Statistics sheet displays work time statistics for each company employee. The second tab gives detailed information for billable hours that can be used as the basis for billing.
Harvestbot functionality can be triggered from local machine using CLI-interface. Install relevant tools and setup environment variables first.
- nvm (or install and activate Node version required in file ./nvmrc)
- direnv (or manage environment variables as you prefer)
- You need an existing Google Cloud project to run the code.
- Download key in JSON format from cloud console to be able to acccess your project.
- Export relevant Google Cloud configuration variables:
# .envrc
# Google cloud project ID
# Google cloud region for cloud functions
# Path to JSON file you created in Google Cloud console
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/path/to/file.json
- If you already have an existing (and deployed) Google Cloud project, you can print out the app current configuration with the decrypt command.
- For new projects you need to define the configuration data from scratch:
- Create API token for your Harvest account in Harvest developer view. Your Harvest user needs to have admin-level rights to be able to access all features.
- Create API key for SendGrid-service.
- Fetch company task information with API request. You need the task ids for configuring flextime calculation correctly.
- Define following environment variables:
# .envrc
# Access token you fetched from Harvest developer UI
# Harvest account ID you fetched from Harvest developer UI
# Key you fetched from SendGrid
# Allowed email domains for users
# Harvest company account specific configurations
# Task id for public holidays
# Task id for vacation time
# Task id for unpaid leave
# Task id for sick leave
# Task id for flex leave
> nvm use
> npm install
> npm run build
> node ./build/local.js --help
Usage: local [options] [command]
-v, --version output the version number
-h, --help output usage information
stats <email> <year> <month> Send monthly statistics to given email address.
flextime <email> Calculate flex saldo for given user.
encrypt Encrypt and store app configuration.
decrypt Decrypt and show app configuration.
npm start flextime [email protected]
> [email protected] start /Users/lauravuo/work/NewThingsCo/harvestbot
> npm run build && node ./build/local.js "flextime" "[email protected]"
> [email protected] build /Users/lauravuo/work/NewThingsCo/harvestbot
> rimraf build/ && babel ./src --out-dir build/ --ignore **/*.test.js
Successfully compiled 20 files with Babel.
[2019-03-17T11:03:20.294Z] info: Calculating flextime for [email protected]
[2019-03-17T11:03:20.295Z] info: Fetch data for [email protected]
[2019-03-17T11:03:36.031Z] info: Received range starting from Wednesday, June 7, 2017 to Friday, March 15, 2019
[2019-03-17T11:03:36.034Z] info: Total working hours from range start 3360
[2019-03-17T11:03:36.041Z] info: No warnings!
[2019-03-17T11:03:36.043Z] info: *Your flex hours count: -0.5*
[2019-03-17T11:03:36.043Z] info: All done!
[2019-03-17T11:03:36.043Z] info: *Your flex hours count: -0.5*
[2019-03-17T11:03:36.044Z] info: Latest calendar working day: Friday, March 15, 2019
[2019-03-17T11:03:36.044Z] info: Last time you have recorded hours: Friday, March 15, 2019
[2019-03-17T11:03:36.044Z] info: Current month 82% billable
You need Terraform to initialize the cloud resources.
- Create new project in Google Cloud console (or use the one you created when setting up local environment).
- Enable needed APIs for your project in Google Cloud console: Cloud Functions API, Cloud Key Management Service (KMS) API, Cloud Resource Manager API
- Create datastore database (in datastore mode) to your region (in Google Cloud console).
- Download to you computer the Google credentials in JSON format for your project's default service account ([email protected])
- Make sure the service account has following roles (in Google Cloud Console IAM view): Cloud KMS CryptoKey Encrypter/Decrypter, Editor, Project IAM Admin
- Define following environment variables:
export TF_VAR_gcloud_credentials_path=<path_to_service_account_json_file>
export TF_VAR_gcloud_project_region=<gcloud_region>
export TF_VAR_gcloud_project_id=<gcloud_project_id>
export TF_VAR_gcloud_organisation_id=<gcloud_organisation_id>
export TF_VAR_gcloud_member_kms_manager=user:<your_email>
export TF_VAR_gcloud_member_secret_decrypter=serviceAccount:<gcloud_project_id>
export TF_VAR_gcloud_service_account_email=<gcloud_project_id>
- Initialize encryption related resources to Google Cloud using Terraform-tool:
cd infra
terraform apply
- Create new Slack App
- Configure the slash command that will trigger your bot in "Slash Commands" tab. The request URL you can fill out later when you have the cloud functions in place.
- Add permissions for scopes chat:write:bot, commands, users:read and to be able to send messages to your workspace and get the users email address.
- Install the app to your workspace.
- Record the Slack signing secret and OAuth access token for configuration in later step.
App configuration should be stored to Google Storage using the encrypt feature of the tool locally.
Define environment variables described in setting up the local development
Define settings for Slack integration
# Token for accessing the Slack API
# Secret for confirming that each request comes from Slack by verifying its unique signature.
# Channel id for sending the weekly notifications
- The app will pick up the configuration from environment variables and bundle them to a file. Encrypt the first version to Google Storage
npm start init:config
After you have successfully stored the configuration for the first time, you can later on save the changed configuration by running:
npm start encrypt
Exporting the stored configuration to console output can be done using command "decrypt".
The authenticated user should have permissions (at minimum):
- Cloud Functions Developer
- Service Account User
echo "Set project"
gcloud --quiet config set project $GCLOUD_PROJECT
echo "Deploy functions"
gcloud functions deploy initFlextime --region $GCLOUD_FUNCTION_REGION --format=none --runtime=nodejs8 --trigger-http
gcloud functions deploy calcFlextime --region $GCLOUD_FUNCTION_REGION --format=none --runtime=nodejs8 --trigger-topic flextime
gcloud functions deploy calcStats --region $GCLOUD_FUNCTION_REGION --format=none --runtime=nodejs8 --trigger-topic stats
gcloud functions deploy notifyUsers --region $GCLOUD_FUNCTION_REGION --format=none --runtime=nodejs8 --trigger-http
When the deployment is done, copy the URL for initFlextime-function (from Google Cloud Console) and paste it to Slack slash command configuration. The format should be something like Test out the command from Slack and see from Google Cloud Console logs what went wrong :)
Weekly flextime notifications can be triggered using through HTTP interface. See the CI configuration of this project for an example.