A web administration console to help you build and manage Hyperflask projects.
- Usable from development to production
- Fully integrated development experience (editor for your app)
- Act as CMS
- Checklists to help you keep track of what needs to be done to launch
- AI/LLM integration to help you develop / create content
- Analytics for your running app
- Minimal maintenance and ease of deployment
- Limit reliance on third party services
Expected features:
- Manage collections and database (CMS)
- Page editor using monaco (going as far as using something like grapesjs ?)
- Components library to download from (using third party source)
- AI based component creator (generate code)
- Assets/media management with integrated AI based image generator (eg. for logos)
- Configuration editor (similar to vscode preference editor ?)
- Editable "launch" checklist with todos for tech stuff but also SEO and marketing
- Integrated documentation
- Error reporting (very simple system compared to something like sentry but avoid third party service)
- Analytics dashboard (web stats and performance)
Tech notes:
- Itself an Hyperflask app
- Using sqlite
- Use duckdb for product analytics ?
- Launch checklist saved as TODO.md file in project root to be able to edit it via code editor also
- Read web analytics from nginx
- Possibility to disable the app & config editor in production