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fixes cljs tests, adds incseq to cljs tests
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xificurC committed Jul 8, 2024
1 parent 43c5d2c commit e228713
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Showing 5 changed files with 161 additions and 157 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions shadow-cljs.edn
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
:test {:target :node-test
:output-to "out/node-tests.js"
:ns-regexp "^(hyperfiddle.electric-(?!dom|fulcro)|contrib.(ednish|sexpr-router|missionary-contrib-test|stacktrace)).*$"
:ns-regexp "^(hyperfiddle.electric-(?!dom|fulcro|css|svg)|contrib.(ednish|sexpr-router|missionary-contrib-test|stacktrace)|hyperfiddle.incseq).*$"
:build-options {:cache-level :off}
:modules {:main {:entries [
Expand All @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
:compiler-options {:warnings {:redef-in-file false}}}
:browser-test {:target :karma
:output-to "out/karma-tests.js"
:ns-regexp "^(hyperfiddle.electric-(?!fulcro)|contrib.(ednish|sexpr-router|missionary-contrib-test|stacktrace)).*$"
:ns-regexp "^(hyperfiddle.electric-(?!fulcro)|contrib.(ednish|sexpr-router|missionary-contrib-test|stacktrace)|hyperfiddle.incseq).*$"
:build-options {:cache-level :off}
:build-hooks [(hyperfiddle.browser-test-setup/blow-up-tests-on-warnings)]
:modules {:main {:entries [
Expand Down
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions src/hyperfiddle/electric_css.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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([^js this rule _] (.appendRule this rule)))
(delete-rule [^js this rule] (.deleteRule this (.-keyText rule)))))

(defn to-str [x] ((if (keyword? x) name str) x))

(defprotocol StyleRule
"Interface over a CSS rule"
(set-property [this key value]))
Expand All @@ -76,13 +78,13 @@
js/CSSKeyframeRule ; not a subclass of CSSStyleRule
(set-property [^js this key value] (set-property (.-style this) key value))
(set-property [^js this key value] (.setProperty this (dom/to-str key) (dom/to-str value)))))
(set-property [^js this key value] (.setProperty this (to-str key) (to-str value)))))

(defn make-rule "Create a rule in node's stylesheet, return the created rule." [styled-element selector]
(let [sheet (sheet styled-element)
index (.-length (css-rules sheet))]
(add-rule sheet (str (dom/to-str selector) " {}") index)
(add-rule sheet (str (to-str selector) " {}") index)
(aget (css-rules sheet) index))))

Expand Down
300 changes: 151 additions & 149 deletions src/hyperfiddle/electric_dom3_events.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,53 +6,54 @@
(:import [missionary Cancelled])
#?(:cljs (:require-macros [hyperfiddle.electric-dom3-events])))

(defn listen "Takes the same arguments as `addEventListener` and returns an uninitialized
(defn listen "Takes the same arguments as `addEventListener` and returns an uninitialized
missionary flow that handles the listener's lifecycle producing `(f e)`.
Relieves backpressure. `opts` can be a clojure map."
([node event-type] (listen node event-type identity))
([node event-type f] (listen node event-type f {}))
([node event-type f opts]
(->> (m/observe (fn [!]
(let [! #(! (f %)), opts (clj->js opts)]
(.addEventListener node event-type ! opts)
#(.removeEventListener node event-type ! opts))))
(m/relieve {})))))

(defn listen-some "Takes the same arguments as `addEventListener` and returns an uninitialized
([node event-type] (listen node event-type identity))
([node event-type f] (listen node event-type f {}))
([node event-type f opts]
(->> (m/observe (fn [!]
(let [! #(! (f %)), opts (clj->js opts)]
(.addEventListener node event-type ! opts)
#(.removeEventListener node event-type ! opts))))
(m/relieve {})))))

(defn listen-some "Takes the same arguments as `addEventListener` and returns an uninitialized
missionary flow that handles the listener's lifecycle producing `(f e)` unless
the result is `nil`. Relieves backpressure. `opts` can be a clojure map."
([node event-type] (listen-some node event-type identity))
([node event-type f] (listen-some node event-type f {}))
([node event-type f opts]
(->> (m/observe (fn [!]
(let [! #(some-> (f %) !), opts (clj->js opts)]
(.addEventListener node event-type ! opts)
#(.removeEventListener node event-type ! opts))))
(m/relieve {}))
;; alternative implementation
#_(m/eduction (filter some?) (listen node typ f opts)))))

(defn ^:no-doc ->box
([] (->box nil))
([init] (let [o (doto (object-array 1) (aset (int 0) init))]
(fn ([] (aget o (int 0))) ([v] (aset o (int 0) v))))))

(defn ^:no-doc ->done [] (m/ap (let [dfv (m/dfv)] (m/amb #(dfv nil) (m/? dfv)))))

(defn ->latching-relay "Takes a discrete flow `>v` and returns a new discrete flow such that
([node event-type] (listen-some node event-type identity))
([node event-type f] (listen-some node event-type f {}))
([node event-type f opts]
(->> (m/observe (fn [!]
(let [! #(some-> (f %) !), opts (clj->js opts)]
(.addEventListener node event-type ! opts)
#(.removeEventListener node event-type ! opts))))
(m/relieve {}))
;; alternative implementation
#_(m/eduction (filter some?) (listen node typ f opts)))))

(defn ^:no-doc ->box
([] (->box nil))
([init] (let [o (doto (object-array 1) (aset (int 0) init))]
(fn ([] (aget o (int 0))) ([v] (aset o (int 0) v))))))

(defn ^:no-doc ->done [] (m/ap (let [dfv (m/dfv)] (m/amb #(dfv nil) (m/? dfv)))))

(defn ->latching-relay "Takes a discrete flow `>v` and returns a new discrete flow such that
- for every produced value from `>v` produces a fresh `release!` thunk
- calling the latest `release!` thunk produces `nil`
Useful to latch onto a discrete event like a DOM event. User is in full
control of signaling completion by calling the `release!` thunk." [>v]
(m/?< >v)
(try (m/?> (->done)) (catch missionary.Cancelled _ (m/amb)))))
(m/?< >v)
(try (m/?> (->done)) (catch missionary.Cancelled _ (m/amb)))))

(defn ->d-latching-relay "Takes a discrete flow `>v` and returns a new discrete flow such that
(defn ->d-latching-relay "Takes a discrete flow `>v` and returns a new discrete flow such that
- for every produced value `v` from `>v`
- if the relay's last produced value was a `[v release!]`, noop
Expand All @@ -61,28 +62,28 @@
Useful e.g. when modeling a payment button. User is in full control of
signaling completion by calling the `release!` thunk." [>v]
(let [closed? (->box false)
v (m/?> (m/eduction (remove (fn [_] (closed?))) >v))
dfv (m/dfv)]
[v (m/amb (closed? #(dfv (closed? false))) (m/? dfv))])))
(let [closed? (->box false)
v (m/?> (m/eduction (remove (fn [_] (closed?))) >v))
dfv (m/dfv)]
[v (m/amb (closed? #(dfv (closed? false))) (m/? dfv))])))

(e/defn EventListener "Takes the same arguments as `addEventListener`. Returns
(e/defn EventListener "Takes the same arguments as `addEventListener`. Returns
the result of `(f event)`.
(when-some [v ($ EventListener \"input\" #(-> % .-target .-value))]
(prn v)))
([event-type] ($ EventListener event-type identity))
([event-type f] ($ EventListener hyperfiddle.electric-dom3/node event-type f))
([node event-type f] ($ EventListener node event-type f {}))
([node event-type f opts] ($ EventListener node event-type f opts nil))
([node event-type f opts init-v]
(e/client (e/input (m/reductions {} init-v (listen node event-type f opts))))))

(e/defn Listen "Takes the same arguments as `addEventListener`. Returns a tuple
([event-type] ($ EventListener event-type identity))
([event-type f] ($ EventListener hyperfiddle.electric-dom3/node event-type f))
([node event-type f] ($ EventListener node event-type f {}))
([node event-type f opts] ($ EventListener node event-type f opts nil))
([node event-type f opts init-v]
(e/client (e/input (m/reductions {} init-v (listen node event-type f opts))))))

(e/defn Listen "Takes the same arguments as `addEventListener`. Returns a tuple
of `[v release!]` for every DOM event where `v` is `(f event)`. Returns `[v
nil]` after calling the `release!` thunk. Initially returns `[init-v nil]` where
`init-v` defaults to `nil`.
Expand All @@ -93,23 +94,23 @@ nil]` after calling the `release!` thunk. Initially returns `[init-v nil]` where
(when release!
(case (e/server (tx! v)) (release!)))))
([event-type] ($ Listen event-type identity))
([event-type f] ($ Listen hyperfiddle.electric-dom3/node event-type f))
([node event-type f] ($ Listen node event-type f {}))
([node event-type f opts] ($ Listen node event-type f opts nil))
([node event-type f opts init-v]
(let [>v (listen node event-type f opts)
>lr (->latching-relay >v)]
[(e/input (m/reductions {} init-v >v))
(e/input (m/reductions {} nil >lr))]))))

;; v2 `e/do-event` is an interpreter on top of `Hold`

;; NOTE P and G thinks Hold does two things: latch and addEventListener. Maybe
;; we could unbundle it? What would a DLatchingRelay e/defn look like? would it
;; be discrete or continuous?
(e/defn Hold "Takes the same arguments as `addEventListener`. Holds a DOM event
([event-type] ($ Listen event-type identity))
([event-type f] ($ Listen hyperfiddle.electric-dom3/node event-type f))
([node event-type f] ($ Listen node event-type f {}))
([node event-type f opts] ($ Listen node event-type f opts nil))
([node event-type f opts init-v]
(let [>v (listen node event-type f opts)
>lr (->latching-relay >v)]
[(e/input (m/reductions {} init-v >v))
(e/input (m/reductions {} nil >lr))]))))

;; v2 `e/do-event` is an interpreter on top of `Hold`

;; NOTE P and G thinks Hold does two things: latch and addEventListener. Maybe
;; we could unbundle it? What would a DLatchingRelay e/defn look like? would it
;; be discrete or continuous?
(e/defn Hold "Takes the same arguments as `addEventListener`. Holds a DOM event
and returns `[v release!]` where `v` is `(f event)`. Returns `[v nil]` after
calling the `release!` thunk. Drops events if one is currently held. Initially
returns `[init-v nil]` where `init-v` defaults to `nil`.
Expand All @@ -122,55 +123,55 @@ returns `[init-v nil]` where `init-v` defaults to `nil`.
(when release!
(case (e/server (tx! v)) (release!)))))
([event-type] ($ Hold event-type identity))
([event-type f] ($ Hold hyperfiddle.electric-dom3/node event-type f))
([node event-type f] ($ Hold node event-type f {}))
([node event-type f opts] ($ Hold node event-type f opts nil))
([node event-type f opts init-v]
(e/input (m/reductions {} [init-v nil] (->d-latching-relay (listen node event-type f opts)))))))

#_(defn fork [flow]
(let [S (i/spine)]
(m/amb S
(let [v (m/?> flow), id (random-uuid)]
(S id {} [v #(S id {} nil)])

;; Leo: I would have split fork in two:
;; - fork would have parallelism infinity only
;; - I would have made an IncSeq->IncSeq function (e.g. i/take) that truncates the Spine up to concurrency-factor
;; (i.e. equivalent of take but for incseqs)
;; - G: note ops on incseqs can be infralinear, so transducers could work but wouldn't be ideal.
(defn fork
([flow] (fork ##Inf flow))
([n flow]
(let [!id (atom 0), S (i/spine), !running (atom (sorted-set))]
(m/amb S
(let [v (m/?> flow), id @!id, running (swap! !running conj (swap! !id inc))]
(S id {} [v #(do (swap! !running disj id) (S id {} nil))])
(run! #(S % {} nil) (take (- (count running) n) ; NOTE Leo: always return 0 or 1 because we add one event at a time

;; Let's suppose we have i/take

(defn fork* [flow]
(let [next-id! (partial swap! (atom 0) inc), S (i/spine)]
(m/amb S
(let [v (m/?> flow), id (next-id!)]
(S id {} [v #(S id {} nil)])

(defn fork [n flow] (i/take n (fork* flow)))

(e/defn Fork "Takes the same arguments as `addEventListener`. For each DOM event
([event-type] ($ Hold event-type identity))
([event-type f] ($ Hold hyperfiddle.electric-dom3/node event-type f))
([node event-type f] ($ Hold node event-type f {}))
([node event-type f opts] ($ Hold node event-type f opts nil))
([node event-type f opts init-v]
(e/input (m/reductions {} [init-v nil] (->d-latching-relay (listen node event-type f opts)))))))

#_ (defn fork [flow]
(let [S (i/spine)]
(m/amb S
(let [v (m/?> flow), id (random-uuid)]
(S id {} [v #(S id {} nil)])

;; Leo: I would have split fork in two:
;; - fork would have parallelism infinity only
;; - I would have made an IncSeq->IncSeq function (e.g. i/take) that truncates the Spine up to concurrency-factor
;; (i.e. equivalent of take but for incseqs)
;; - G: note ops on incseqs can be infralinear, so transducers could work but wouldn't be ideal.
(defn fork
([flow] (fork ##Inf flow))
([n flow]
(let [!id (atom 0), S (i/spine), !running (atom (sorted-set))]
(m/amb S
(let [v (m/?> flow), id @!id, running (swap! !running conj (swap! !id inc))]
(S id {} [v #(do (swap! !running disj id) (S id {} nil))])
(run! #(S % {} nil) (take (- (count running) n) ; NOTE Leo: always return 0 or 1 because we add one event at a time

;; Let's suppose we have i/take

(defn fork* [flow]
(let [next-id! (partial swap! (atom 0) inc), S (i/spine)]
(m/amb S
(let [v (m/?> flow), id (next-id!)]
(S id {} [v #(S id {} nil)])

(defn fork [n flow] (i/take n (fork* flow)))

(e/defn Fork "Takes the same arguments as `addEventListener`. For each DOM event
where `(f event)` isn't `nil` forks a new branch, allowing concurrent processing
of events. Each branch recieves `[v release!]` where `v` is `(f event)` and
calling the `release!` thunk unmounts the current branch. Optional
Expand All @@ -182,36 +183,37 @@ calling the `release!` thunk unmounts the current branch. Optional
(e/cursor [[v release!] ($ Fork \"click\" hash)]
(case (e/server (add-todo! v)) (release!))))
([event-type] ($ Fork event-type identity))
([event-type f] ($ Fork hyperfiddle.electric-dom3/node event-type f))
([node event-type f] ($ Fork node event-type f {}))
([node event-type f opts] ($ Fork node event-type f opts ##Inf))
([node event-type f opts concurrency-factor]
(e/client (e/join (e/input (fork concurrency-factor (listen-some node event-type f opts)))))))

;; DONE does LatchingRelay / DLatchingRelay matches ->task and ->backpressured-task?
;; YES
;; DONE see if ->tasks can be implemented with LatchingRelay
;; no, not the same pattern, but same interface
;; DONE compare new `on` impl with `for-event-pending-switch` and `do-event-pending`
;; DONE come up with a good api for listen and ->default
;; DONE come up with a nice api for LatchingRelay + listen
;; DONE come up with a nice api for DLatchingRelay + listen

;; interpreter on top of `Fork` with concurrency of `1`, interpreting first
;; non-`Pending` as the release signal. Backwards compatible with `dom2/on`.
;; (e/defn On
;; ([event-type F] ($ On hyperfiddle.electric-dom3/node event-type F))
;; ([node event-type F]
;; (let [!ret (atom [::init]), [state v] (e/watch !ret)]
;; (e/cursor [[e release!] ($ Fork node event-type identity {} 1)]
;; (try (case (reset! !ret [::ok ($ F e)]) (release!))
;; (catch Pending e (reset! !ret [::pending e]))
;; (catch Cancelled _ (release!))
;; (catch #?(:clj Throwable :cljs :default) e (reset! !ret [::failed e]) (release!))))
;; (case state (::init ::ok) v, (::pending ::failed) (throw v)))))

;; ;; full `dom2/on` backward compatibility
;; (defmacro on
;; ([typ F] `($ On ~typ ~F))
;; ([node typ F] `($ On ~node ~typ ~F)))
([event-type] ($ Fork event-type identity))
([event-type f] ($ Fork hyperfiddle.electric-dom3/node event-type f))
([node event-type f] ($ Fork node event-type f {}))
([node event-type f opts] ($ Fork node event-type f opts ##Inf))
([node event-type f opts concurrency-factor]
(e/client (e/join (e/input (fork concurrency-factor (listen-some node event-type f opts)))))))

;; DONE does LatchingRelay / DLatchingRelay matches ->task and ->backpressured-task?
;; YES
;; DONE see if ->tasks can be implemented with LatchingRelay
;; no, not the same pattern, but same interface
;; DONE compare new `on` impl with `for-event-pending-switch` and `do-event-pending`
;; DONE come up with a good api for listen and ->default
;; DONE come up with a nice api for LatchingRelay + listen
;; DONE come up with a nice api for DLatchingRelay + listen

;; interpreter on top of `Fork` with concurrency of `1`, interpreting first
;; non-`Pending` as the release signal. Backwards compatible with `dom2/on`.
;; (e/defn On
;; ([event-type F] ($ On hyperfiddle.electric-dom3/node event-type F))
;; ([node event-type F]
;; (let [!ret (atom [::init]), [state v] (e/watch !ret)]
;; (e/cursor [[e release!] ($ Fork node event-type identity {} 1)]
;; (try (case (reset! !ret [::ok ($ F e)]) (release!))
;; (catch Pending e (reset! !ret [::pending e]))
;; (catch Cancelled _ (release!))
;; (catch #?(:clj Throwable :cljs :default) e (reset! !ret [::failed e]) (release!))))
;; (case state (::init ::ok) v, (::pending ::failed) (throw v)))))

;; ;; full `dom2/on` backward compatibility
;; (defmacro on
;; ([typ F] `($ On ~typ ~F))
;; ([node typ F] `($ On ~node ~typ ~F)))

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