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xificurC committed Sep 4, 2024
1 parent fcd0af9 commit ca8a567
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Showing 2 changed files with 44 additions and 42 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion deps.edn
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
com.cognitect/transit-cljs {:mvn/version "0.8.280"}
com.hyperfiddle/rcf {:mvn/version "20220926-202227"}
missionary/missionary {:mvn/version "b.35"}
dom-top/dom-top {:mvn/version "1.0.9"} ; for loopr macro
fipp/fipp {:mvn/version "0.6.26"}
org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.12.0-alpha11"}
org.clojure/clojurescript {:mvn/version "1.11.121"}
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85 changes: 44 additions & 41 deletions src/hyperfiddle/electric/impl/lang3.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,10 +4,9 @@
[clojure.string :as str]
[contrib.assert :as ca]
[ :refer [keep-if]]
[ :refer [keep-if ->box]]
[clojure.set :as set]
[contrib.triple-store :as ts]
[dom-top.core :refer [loopr]]
[hyperfiddle.electric3 :as-alias e]
[hyperfiddle.electric.impl.cljs-analyzer2 :as cljs-ana]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -134,9 +133,10 @@
`(::call ((::static-vars r/dispatch) '~F ~F ~@(map (fn [arg] `(::pure ~arg)) args))))

(defn -expand-let-bindings [bs env]
(loopr [bs2 [], env2 env]
[[sym v] (eduction (partition-all 2) bs)]
(recur (conj bs2 sym (-expand-all-foreign v env2)) (add-local env2 sym))))
(let [<env> (->box env)
f (fn [bs [sym v]] (let [env (<env>)] (<env> (add-local env sym)) (conj bs sym (-expand-all-foreign v env))))
bs (transduce (partition-all 2) (completing f) [] bs)]
[bs (<env>)]))

(defn jvm-type? [sym] (try (.getJavaClass (clojure.lang.Compiler$VarExpr. nil sym)) (catch Throwable _)))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -243,11 +243,11 @@
(let [[_ bs & body] o] (recur (?meta o (list* 'let* (dst/destructure* bs) body)) env))

(let*) (let [[_ bs & body] o
[bs2 env2] (loopr [bs2 [] , env2 env]
[[sym v] (eduction (partition-all 2) bs)]
(let [sym (?untag sym env2)]
(recur (conj bs2 sym (-expand-all v env2)) (add-local env2 sym))))]
(?meta o (list 'let* bs2 (-expand-all (?meta body (cons 'do body)) env2))))
<env> (->box env)
f (fn [bs [sym v]]
(let [env (<env>)] (<env> (add-local env sym)) (conj bs sym (-expand-all v env))))
bs2 (transduce (partition-all 2) (completing f) [] bs)]
(?meta o (list 'let* bs2 (-expand-all (?meta body (cons 'do body)) (<env>)))))

(loop*) (let [[_ bs & body] o
[bs2 env2] (reduce
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -562,13 +562,14 @@
ts (analyze v e env ts)]
(recur bform e env ts))
(case) (let [[_ test & brs] form
[default brs2] (if (odd? (count brs)) [(last brs) (butlast brs)] [:TODO brs])]
(loopr [bs [], mp {}]
[[v br] (partition 2 brs2)]
(let [b (gensym "case-val")]
(recur (conj bs b `(::ctor ~br))
(reduce (fn [ac nx] (assoc ac (list 'quote nx) b)) mp (if (seq? v) v [v]))))
(recur (?meta form `(let* ~bs (::call (~mp ~test (::ctor ~default))))) pe env ts)))
[default brs2] (if (odd? (count brs)) [(last brs) (butlast brs)] [:TODO brs])
<mp> (->box {})
f (fn [bs [v br]]
(let [b (gensym "case-val")]
(<mp> (reduce (fn [ac nx] (assoc ac (list 'quote nx) b)) (<mp>) (if (seq? v) v [v])))
(conj bs b `(::ctor ~br))))
bs (transduce (partition-all 2) (completing f) [] brs2)]
(recur (?meta form `(let* ~bs (::call (~(<mp>) ~test (::ctor ~default))))) pe env ts))
(quote) (let [e (->id)]
(-> ts (ts/add {:db/id e, ::parent pe, ::type ::pure})
(ts/add {:db/id (->id), ::parent e, ::type ::literal, ::v form})))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -759,14 +760,15 @@
(let [[l bs & body] form, let*-u (->u)
ts (addf ts let*-u p ->i {::t (case l (let*) ::let* (loop*) ::loop*)})
->sym-i (->->id)
[ts2 env2] (loopr [ts2 ts, env2 env]
[[sym v] (eduction (partition-all 2) bs)]
(let [sym-u (->u)]
(recur (-> ts2 (addf sym-u let*-u ->sym-i {::t ::let*-sym, ::sym sym})
(analyze-foreign v env2 sym-u (->->id)))
(add-foreign-local env2 sym))))
<env> (->box env)
f (fn [ts2 [sym v]]
(let [sym-u (->u), env (<env>)]
(<env> (add-foreign-local env sym))
(-> ts2 (addf sym-u let*-u ->sym-i {::t ::let*-sym, ::sym sym})
(analyze-foreign v env sym-u (->->id)))))
ts2 (transduce (partition-all 2) (completing f) ts bs)
body-u (->u), ->body-i (->->id)]
(reduce (fn [ts nx] (analyze-foreign ts nx env2 body-u ->body-i))
(reduce (fn [ts nx] (analyze-foreign ts nx (<env>) body-u ->body-i))
(addf ts2 body-u let*-u (->->id) {::t ::body}) body))

(binding clojure.core/binding)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -989,23 +991,24 @@
(order [u*] (sort-by (comp ::i ->node) u*))
(find [& kvs] (order (eduction (map e->u) (apply ts/find ts kvs))))
(? [u k] (get (->node u) k))]
(let [[ts arg* val* dyn*]
(loopr [ts ts, arg* [], val* [], dyn* [], seen {}]
[u (remove #(let [nd (->node %)] (and (zero? (::i nd))
(not= -1 (::p nd))
(= ::set! (? (::p nd) ::t))))
(find ::t ::var))]
(let [nd (->node u), r (::resolved nd), s (::sym nd)]
(if (:dynamic (::meta nd))
(if (seen r)
(recur ts arg* val* dyn* seen)
(let [lex (gen (name r))]
(recur ts (conj arg* lex) (conj val* r) (into dyn* [s lex]) (assoc seen r true))))
(if-some [lex (seen r)]
(recur (ts/asc ts (:db/id nd) ::sym lex) arg* val* dyn* seen)
(let [lex (gen (name s))]
(recur (ts/asc ts (:db/id nd) ::sym lex)
(conj arg* lex) (conj val* r) dyn* (assoc seen r lex)))))))
(let [<arg*> (->box []), <val*> (->box []), <dyn*> (->box []), <seen> (->box {})
f (fn [ts u]
(let [nd (->node u), r (::resolved nd), s (::sym nd), seen (<seen>)]
(if (:dynamic (::meta nd))
(if (seen r)
(let [lex (gen (name r))]
(<arg*> (conj (<arg*>) lex)) (<val*> (conj (<val*>) r))
(<dyn*> (into (<dyn*>) [s lex])) (<seen> (assoc seen r true))
(if-some [lex (seen r)]
(ts/asc ts (:db/id nd) ::sym lex)
(let [lex (gen (name s))]
(<arg*> (conj (<arg*>) lex)) (<val*> (conj (<val*>) r)) (<seen> (assoc seen r lex))
(ts/asc ts (:db/id nd) ::sym lex))))))
xf (remove #(let [nd (->node %)] (and (zero? (::i nd)) (not= -1 (::p nd)) (= ::set! (? (::p nd) ::t)))))
ts (transduce xf (completing f) ts (find ::t ::var))
arg* (<arg*>), val* (<val*>), dyn* (<dyn*>)
code (cond->> (emit-foreign ts) (seq dyn*) (list 'binding dyn*))
e-local* (into [] (comp (map #(? % ::sym)) (distinct)) (find ::t ::electric-local))]
(when (or (seq arg*) (seq e-local*))
Expand Down

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