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leonoel committed Aug 13, 2024
1 parent 5c913bd commit bbc4816
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Showing 10 changed files with 287 additions and 117 deletions.
110 changes: 110 additions & 0 deletions src/hyperfiddle/domlike.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
(ns hyperfiddle.domlike "
A mutable tree implementation with an API isomorphic to a subset of the DOM.

(defn node "
Return a fresh node.
" []
(doto (object-array 3)
(aset 2 [])))

(defn parent "
Return `node`'s current parent.
" [^objects node]
(aget node 0))

(defn set-parent "
Assign `node`'s parent to `parent`.
" [^objects node parent]
(aset node 0 parent))

(defn index "
Return `node`'s current index.
" [^objects node]
(aget node 1))

(defn set-index "
Assign `node`'s index to `index`.
" [^objects node index]
(aset node 1 index))

(defn children "
Return `node`'s current children.
" [^objects node]
(aget node 2))

(defn set-children "
Assign `node`s children to `children`.
" [^objects node children]
(aset node 2 children))

(defn nth-child "
Return `node`'s child in position `i`, or `nil` if out of bounds.
" [node i]
(nth (children node) i nil))

(defn remove-at [node i]
(let [v (children node)]
(set-children node
(into (subvec v 0 i)
(map (fn [c] (set-index c (dec (index c))) c))
(subvec v (inc i))))))

(defn remove-child "
Remove `child` from `node`'s children and return the removed node.
" [node child]
(when-not (identical? node (parent child))
(throw (#?(:clj Error. :cljs js/Error.) "not a child")))
(remove-at node (index child))
(set-parent child nil)
(set-index child nil)

(defn replace-child "
Replace `old` by `child` in `node`'s children and return the removed node.
" [node child old]
(when-not (identical? node (parent old))
(throw (#?(:clj Error. :cljs js/Error.) "not a child")))
(when-some [p (parent child)]
(remove-at p (index child)))
(set-parent child node)
(set-index child (index old))
(set-children node
(assoc (children node)
(index old) child))
(set-parent old nil)
(set-index old nil)

(defn insert-before "
Insert `child` before `sibling` in `node`s children and return the added node.
" [node child sibling]
(when-not (nil? sibling)
(when (identical? child sibling)
(throw (#?(:clj Error. :cljs js/Error.) "insert before self")))
(when-not (identical? node (parent sibling))
(throw (#?(:clj Error. :cljs js/Error.) "not a child"))))
(when-some [p (parent child)]
(remove-at p (index child)))
(let [v (children node)
i (if (nil? sibling)
(count v)
(index sibling))]
(set-parent child node)
(set-index child i)
(set-children node
(-> []
(into (subvec v 0 i))
(conj child)
(into (map (fn [c] (set-index c (inc (index c))) c))
(subvec v i))))

(defn append-child "
Adds `child` at the end of `node`'s children and return the added node.
" [node child]
(insert-before node child nil))

(defn tree "
Return a snapshot of the tree rooted at `node`.
" [node] (into [node] (map tree) (children node)))
59 changes: 9 additions & 50 deletions src/hyperfiddle/electric_dom3.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -49,6 +49,8 @@
;; [hyperfiddle.electric-dom3-events :as events]
[hyperfiddle.kvs :as kvs]
[hyperfiddle.incseq :as i]
[hyperfiddle.incseq.mount-impl :refer [mount]]
[hyperfiddle.incseq.perm-impl :as p]
;; [hyperfiddle.electric.impl.lang-de2 :as lang]
#?(:cljs (:require-macros [hyperfiddle.electric-dom3])))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -77,59 +79,16 @@
(defn set-mount-point [node mp] (aset node key mp))
(defn remove-mount-point [node] (js-delete node key))))

;; possibly improved algorith for DOM node reordering
;; untested, current v3 bugs prevent from trying
(defn pop-kv ([m] (pop-kv m (key (first m)))) ([m k] [[k (get m k)] (dissoc m k)]))

(defn consume-cycle [[k v] p ret]
(let [end k]
(loop [v v, p p, ret ret]
(let [[[k v :as kv] p] (pop-kv p v)]
(if (= end v) [p (conj ret [k (inc v)])] (recur v p (conj ret kv)))))))

(defn plan-reorder-cycles [p]
(loop [p p ret []]
(case p {} ret #_else (let [[kv p] (pop-kv p), [p ret] (consume-cycle kv p (conj ret kv))] (recur p ret)))))

(defn indexes->nodes [idxs children]
(mapv (fn [[i j]] [(.item children i) (.item children j)]) idxs))

(defn reorder [element permutation]
(run! (fn [[from to]] (.insertBefore element from to))
(indexes->nodes (plan-reorder-cycles permutation) (.-childNodes element))))

(defn ->text [elem] (when elem (.-textContent elem)))
(defn texts [coll] (mapv ->text coll))

(defn- mount-items-debug-print [element actual expected diff tbd c start]
(let [cv (vec c), elem (or (not-empty (.-id element)) element)]
(when (not= actual expected)
[:SIZE-MISMATCH {:elem elem, :children start, :expected expected, :actual actual, :diff diff}])
(when (not= tbd cv)
[:VIOLATED {:elem elem, :start start, :tbd (texts tbd), :actual (texts cv), :diff diff}])))

;; A resilient version of `mount-items`. Uses `i/patch-vec` to figure out the
;; final state and through a simple algorithm arranges the DOM nodelist to match
;; that. This is sub-optimal in several ways, but most likely fast enough and
;; more importantly so simple there should obviously be no bugs[1]. Currently
;; there's corruption in the calls, we call it with a diff that doesn't match
;; the current state of the nodelist (too many/few elements). The implementation
;; tries its best to notify of the misalignment and correct course, which means
;; the DOM state most likely corrupts after that. Once the calls get fixed we
;; can change the logs to assertions.
;; [1]
(defn mount-items [element diff]
(let [c (.-childNodes element), actual (.-length c), expected (- (:degree diff) (:grow diff))
cv (vec c), start (texts cv), tbd (i/patch-vec cv diff), in? (set tbd)]
(run! #(when-not (in? %) (.remove %)) cv)
(run! #(when % (.appendChild element %)) tbd)
(mount-items-debug-print element actual expected diff tbd c start))
(def mount-items
(fn [element child] (.appendChild element child))
(fn [element child previous] (.replaceChild element child previous))
(fn [element child sibling] (.insertBefore element child sibling))
(fn [element child] (.removeChild element child))
(fn [element i] (.item (.-childNodes element) i))))

(defn attach! [parent-node tag e]
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/hyperfiddle/incseq.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -98,10 +98,10 @@ Arranges elements of `v` according to permutation `p`.
" p/arrange)

(def decompose "
(defn decompose "
Decompose permutation `p` as a product of disjoint cycles, represented as a set of vectors. 1-cycles matching fixed
points are omitted, the size of each cycle is therefore at least 2.
" p/decompose)
" [p] (p/decompose conj #{} p))

(def compose "
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/hyperfiddle/incseq/diff_impl.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
(pop! v)) v)))
change! (fn [r c]
(reduce-kv assoc! r c))
cycles! (partial reduce
cycles! (partial p/decompose
(fn [v c]
(let [i (nth c 0)
x (nth v i)]
Expand All @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
(-> v
(grow! (:grow d))
(cycles! (p/decompose (:permutation d)))
(cycles! (:permutation d))
(shrink! (:shrink d))
(change! (:change d))
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/hyperfiddle/incseq/items_impl.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@
iperm (p/inverse permutation)
indices (into #{} (map (fn [i] (iperm i i))) created)]
(reduce create-item parent created)
(reduce apply-cycle buffer (p/decompose permutation))
(p/decompose apply-cycle buffer permutation)
(reduce detach buffer (range (- degree shrink) degree))
(reduce-kv propagate-change buffer change)
(reduce propagate-freeze buffer freeze)
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40 changes: 20 additions & 20 deletions src/hyperfiddle/incseq/latest_product_impl.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -181,26 +181,26 @@
lr-size-after (aget counts 1)
foreign-degree (unchecked-multiply-int l r)
product-degree (unchecked-multiply-int item-degree foreign-degree)
product-cycles (into #{}
(fn [cycle]
(let [k (nth cycle 0)
x (aget buffer k)
f (frozen? freezer k)
l (reduce
(fn [k l]
(aset buffer k (aget buffer l))
((if (frozen? freezer l)
freeze! unfreeze!)
freezer k) l)
k (subvec cycle 1))]
(aset buffer l x)
((if f freeze! unfreeze!)
freezer k))
(->> cycle
(map (partial combine-indices product-degree item-degree r))
(apply map vector))))
(p/decompose (:permutation item-diff)))]
product-cycles (p/decompose
(fn [cycles cycle]
(let [k (nth cycle 0)
x (aget buffer k)
f (frozen? freezer k)
l (reduce
(fn [k l]
(aset buffer k (aget buffer l))
((if (frozen? freezer l)
freeze! unfreeze!)
freezer k) l)
k (subvec cycle 1))]
(aset buffer l x)
((if f freeze! unfreeze!)
freezer k))
(->> cycle
(map (partial combine-indices product-degree item-degree r))
(apply map vector)
(into cycles)))
#{} (:permutation item-diff))]
(loop [i size-after]
(when (< i item-degree)
(unfreeze! freezer i)
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33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions src/hyperfiddle/incseq/mount_impl.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
(ns hyperfiddle.incseq.mount-impl
(:require [hyperfiddle.incseq.perm-impl :as p]))

(defn permute-keys [rf r p m]
(reduce-kv (fn [r k v] (rf r (p k k) v)) r m))

(defn mount [append-child replace-child insert-before remove-child nth-child]
(letfn [(append [element degree grow permutation change]
(let [q (p/inverse permutation)]
(loop [i (- degree grow)
c change]
(if (== i degree)
(do (permute-keys replace element permutation c)
(p/rotations rotate element permutation))
(let [j (q i i)]
(append-child element (c j))
(recur (inc i) (dissoc c j)))))))
(replace [element i e]
(replace-child element e (nth-child element i)))
(rotate [element i j]
(insert-before element (nth-child element i)
(nth-child element (if (< i j) (inc j) j)))
(fn [element {:keys [grow shrink degree permutation change]}]
(let [size-after (- degree shrink)]
(loop [d degree
p permutation]
(if (== d size-after)
(append element d grow p change)
(let [i (dec d)
j (p i i)]
(remove-child element (nth-child element j))
(recur i (p/compose p (p/rotation i j))))))))))

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