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[lang] clean exceptions
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Today when an effect throws we get a stack trace. This stack trace is
nothing like our code. Electric runs asynchronously, damaging the stack

With this change

- we track file/line info of the effects
- we catch exceptions
- we throw an exception containing only the message and file/line info

This improves debugging considerably.

In v2 we had a complete virtual stack trace tracking user code through
the signal chain. This commit doesn't build that. It's future work.
  • Loading branch information
xificurC committed Sep 23, 2024
1 parent 1319583 commit 4f456af
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Showing 6 changed files with 122 additions and 99 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/contrib/triple_store.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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(defn ->node [ts e] (get (:eav ts) e))
(defn ? [ts e k] (get (->node ts e) k))
(defn find [ts & kvs]
(let [ret (reduce set/intersection (into [] (comp (partition-all 2) (map (fn [[k v]] (-> ts :ave (get k) (get v))))) kvs))]
(when (seq ret) ret)))
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68 changes: 39 additions & 29 deletions src/hyperfiddle/electric/impl/lang3.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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(defn get-child-e [ts e] (ca/is (first (get-children-e ts e)) some? (str "no child for " e) {:e e, :nd (ts/->node ts e)}))
(defn get-root-e [ts] (get-child-e ts '_))

(defn ?add-source-map [{{::keys [->id]} :o :as ts} pe form]
(defn ?add-source-map [{{::keys [->id]} :o :as ts} e form env]
(let [mt (meta form)]
(cond-> ts (:line mt) (ts/add {:db/id (->id), ::source-map-of pe, ::line (:line mt), ::column (:column mt)}))))
(cond-> ts (:line mt) (ts/add {:db/id (->id), ::source-map-of e
::line (:line mt), ::column (:column mt)
::def (::def env), ::ns (get-ns env)}))))

(defn untwin [s]
(if (= "cljs.core" (namespace s))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -496,33 +498,35 @@
(-> ts (ts/add {:db/id e, ::parent pe, ::type ::pure})
(ts/add {:db/id (->id), ::parent e, ::type ::literal, ::v v})))

(defn add-ap-literal [f args pe e env {{::keys [->id ->uid]} :o :as ts}]
(defn add-ap-literal [f args pe e env form {{::keys [->id ->uid]} :o :as ts}]
(let [ce (->id)]
(reduce (fn [ts form] (analyze form e env ts))
(-> (ts/add ts {:db/id e, ::parent pe, ::type ::ap, ::uid (->uid)})
#_(add-literal f ce e)
(ts/add {:db/id ce, ::parent e, ::type ::pure})
(ts/add {:db/id (->id), ::parent ce, ::type ::literal, ::v f}))
(ts/add {:db/id (->id), ::parent ce, ::type ::literal, ::v f})
(?add-source-map e form env))

(defn ->class-method-call [clazz method method-args pe env form {{::keys [->id]} :o :as ts}]
(if (seq method-args)
(let [f (let [margs (repeatedly (count method-args) gensym), meth (symbol (str clazz) (str method))]
`(fn [~@margs] (~meth ~@margs)))]
(add-ap-literal f method-args pe (->id) env ts))
(add-ap-literal f method-args pe (->id) env form ts))
(let [e (->id)] ; (. java.time.Instant now)
(-> ts (ts/add {:db/id e, ::parent pe, ::type ::pure})
(ts/add {:db/id (->id), ::parent e, ::type ::literal, ::v form})))))
(ts/add {:db/id (->id), ::parent e, ::type ::literal, ::v form})
(?add-source-map e form env)))))

(defn meta-of-key [mp k] (-> mp keys set (get k) meta))
(defn gensym-with-local-meta [env k]
(let [g (gensym (if (instance? clojure.lang.Named k) (name k) "o")), mt (meta-of-key (:locals env) k)]
(?untag (with-meta g (merge mt (meta k))) env)))

(defn ->obj-method-call [o method method-args pe env {{::keys [->id]} :o :as ts}]
(defn ->obj-method-call [o method method-args pe env form {{::keys [->id]} :o :as ts}]
(let [f (let [[oo & margs] (mapv #(gensym-with-local-meta env %) (cons o method-args))]
`(fn [~oo ~@margs] (. ~oo ~method ~@margs)))]
(add-ap-literal f (cons o method-args) pe (->id) env ts)))
(add-ap-literal f (cons o method-args) pe (->id) env form ts)))

(defn def-sym-in-cljs-compiler! [sym ns]
(swap! @(requiring-resolve 'cljs.env/*compiler*)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -553,7 +557,7 @@
pe env ts))
(::mklocal) (let [[_ k bform] form, e (->id), uid (->uid)
ts (-> ts (ts/add {:db/id e, ::parent pe, ::type ::mklocal, ::k k, ::uid uid})
(?add-source-map e form))]
(?add-source-map e form env))]
(recur bform e (update-in env [:locals k] assoc ::electric-let uid) ts))
(::bindlocal) (let [[_ k v bform] form, e (->id)
ts (ts/add ts {:db/id e, ::parent pe, ::type ::bindlocal ::k k
Expand All @@ -576,15 +580,15 @@
[f & arg*] (wrap-foreign-for-electric (analyze-foreign form env))]
(if (or (nil? current) (= (->env-type env) current))
(if f
(add-ap-literal f arg* pe (->id) env ts)
(add-ap-literal f arg* pe (->id) env form ts)
(add-literal ts form (->id) pe))
(recur `[~@arg*] pe env ts)))
(::cc-letfn) (let [current (get (::peers env) (::current env))
[_ bs] form, lfn* `(letfn* ~bs ~(vec (take-nth 2 bs))), e (->id)
[f & arg*] (wrap-foreign-for-electric (analyze-foreign lfn* env))]
(if (or (nil? current) (= (->env-type env) current))
(if f
(add-ap-literal f arg* pe e env (?add-source-map ts e form))
(add-ap-literal f arg* pe e env form ts)
(add-literal ts lfn* e pe))
(recur `[~@arg*] pe env ts)))
(new) (let [[_ f & args] form]
Expand All @@ -593,7 +597,7 @@
:clj (if (and (symbol? f) (jvm-type? f)) f 'Object)
:cljs (if (and (symbol? f) (js-type? f env)) f 'js/Object))
f (let [gs (repeatedly (count args) gensym)] `(fn [~@gs] (new ~f ~@gs)))]
(add-ap-literal f args pe (->id) env ts))
(add-ap-literal f args pe (->id) env form ts))
(recur `[~@args] pe env ts)))
;; (. java.time.Instant now)
;; (. java.time.Instant ofEpochMilli 1)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -624,19 +628,19 @@
(seq? (nth form 2)) ; (. i1 (isAfter i2))
(let [[_ o [method & method-args]] form]
(if me?
(->obj-method-call o method method-args pe env ts)
(->obj-method-call o method method-args pe env form ts)
(recur `[~(second form) ~@(next (nth form 2))] pe env ts)))

(let [[_ o x & xs] form]
(if (seq xs) ; (. i1 isAfter i2)
(if me?
(->obj-method-call o x xs pe env ts)
(->obj-method-call o x xs pe env form ts)
(recur `[~o ~@xs] pe env ts))
(if me? ; (. pt x)
(if (field-access? x)
(add-ap-literal `(fn [oo#] (. oo# ~x)) [o] pe (->id) env ts)
(->obj-method-call o x [] pe env ts))
(add-ap-literal `(fn [oo#] (. oo# ~x)) [o] pe (->id) env form ts)
(->obj-method-call o x [] pe env form ts))
(recur nil pe env ts))))))
(binding clojure.core/binding) (let [[_ bs bform] form, gs (repeatedly (/ (count bs) 2) gensym)]
(recur (if (seq bs)
Expand All @@ -651,32 +655,32 @@
(case (->env-type env)
:clj (recur `((fn* ([x#] (def ~sym x#))) ~v) pe env ts)
:cljs (do (def-sym-in-cljs-compiler! sym (get-ns env))
(add-ap-literal `(fn [v#] (set! ~sym v#)) [v] pe (->id) env ts))))
(add-ap-literal `(fn [v#] (set! ~sym v#)) [v] pe (->id) env form ts))))
(set!) (let [[_ target v] form] (recur `((fn* ([v#] (set! ~target v#))) ~v) pe env ts))
(::ctor) (let [e (->id), ce (->id)]
(recur (second form)
ce env (-> ts (ts/add {:db/id e, ::parent pe, ::type ::pure})
(ts/add {:db/id ce, ::parent e, ::type ::ctor, ::uid (->uid)})
(?add-source-map e form))))
(?add-source-map e form env))))
(::call) (let [e (->id)] (recur (second form) e env
(-> (ts/add ts {:db/id e, ::parent pe, ::type ::call, ::uid (->uid)})
(?add-source-map e form))))
(?add-source-map e form env))))
(::tag) (let [e (->id)] (recur (second form) e env
(-> (ts/add ts {:db/id e, ::parent pe, ::type ::call, ::uid (->uid), ::call-type ::tag})
(?add-source-map e form))))
(?add-source-map e form env))))
(::pure) (let [pure (with-meta (gensym "pure") {::dont-inline true})]
(recur `(let* [~pure ~(second form)] (::pure-gen ~pure)) pe env ts))
(::pure-gen) (let [e (->id)]
(recur (second form) e env (-> (ts/add ts {:db/id e, ::parent pe, ::type ::pure})
(?add-source-map e form))))
(?add-source-map e form env))))
(::join) (let [e (->id)] (recur (second form) e env (-> (ts/add ts {:db/id e, ::parent pe, ::type ::join})
(?add-source-map e form))))
(?add-source-map e form env))))
(::site) (let [[_ site bform] form, current (::current env), env2 (assoc env ::current site)]
(if (or (nil? site) (= site current) (= ::bindlocal (::type (ts/->node ts pe))))
(let [e (->id)]
(recur bform e env2
(-> (ts/add ts {:db/id e, ::parent pe, ::type ::site, ::site site})
(?add-source-map e form))))
(?add-source-map e form env))))
;; Due to an early bad assumption only locals are considered for runtime nodes.
;; Since any site change can result in a new node we wrap these sites in an implicit local.
;; Electric aggressively inlines locals, so the generated code size will stay the same.
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(let [js-call? (cljs-ana/js-call? @!a f (get-ns env))]
(when (::debug env) (prn :js-call? f '=> js-call?))
(add-ap-literal (bound-js-fn f) args pe (->id) env ts)
(add-ap-literal (bound-js-fn f) args pe (->id) env form ts)
(let [e (->id), uid (->uid)]
(reduce (fn [ts nx] (analyze nx e env ts))
(-> (ts/add ts {:db/id e, ::parent pe, ::type ::ap, ::uid uid})
(?add-source-map uid form)) form)))))
(?add-source-map e form env)) form)))))

(instance? cljs.tagged_literals.JSValue form)
(let [o (.-val ^cljs.tagged_literals.JSValue form)]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -730,13 +734,13 @@
(::lang ret) (assoc ::resolved-in (::lang ret)))))
(::node) (ts/add ts {:db/id e, ::parent pe, ::type ::node, ::node (::node ret)})
#_else (throw (ex-info (str "unknown symbol type " (::type ret)) (or ret {}))))
(?add-source-map e form)))
(?add-source-map e form env)))

(let [e (->id)]
(-> ts (ts/add {:db/id e, ::parent pe, ::type ::pure})
(ts/add {:db/id (->id), ::parent e, ::type ::literal, ::v form})
(?add-source-map e form))))))
(?add-source-map e form env))))))

(defn add-foreign-local [env sym] (update env :locals update sym assoc ::electric-let nil))

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(defn tag-call? [ts e] (= ::tag (::call-type (ts/->node ts e))))

(defn ->code-meta [ts e]
(loop [e e]
(if-some [se (first (ts/find ts ::source-map-of e))]
(dissoc (ts/->node ts se) :db/id ::source-map-of)
(some-> (ts/? ts e ::parent) (recur)))))

(defn emit [ts e ctor-e env nm]
((fn rec [e]
(let [nd (get (:eav ts) e)]
(case (::type nd)
::literal (::v nd)
::ap (list* `r/ap {} (mapv rec (get-children-e ts e)))
::ap (list* `r/ap (list 'quote (or (->code-meta ts e) {})) (mapv rec (get-children-e ts e)))
::var (let [in (::resolved-in nd)]
(list* `r/lookup 'frame (keyword (::qualified-var nd))
(when (or (nil? in) (= in (->env-type env))) [(list `r/pure (::qualified-var nd))])))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1420,7 +1430,7 @@
ts (ts/find ts ::qualified-var `r/cannot-resolve)))
ts (-> ts mark-used-calls2 index-calls reroute-local-aliases (optimize-locals (get-root-e ts))
inline-locals order-nodes order-frees collapse-ap-with-only-pures expand-cannot-resolve)]
(when (::print-db env) (prn :db) (run! prn (ts->reducible ts)))
(when (::print-db env) (run! prn (ts->reducible ts)))

(defn compile* [nm env ts]
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38 changes: 23 additions & 15 deletions src/hyperfiddle/electric/impl/runtime3.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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(:refer-clojure :exclude [resolve])
(:require [hyperfiddle.incseq :as i]
[missionary.core :as m]
[hyperfiddle.electric.impl.lang3 :as-alias lang]
[cognitect.transit :as t]
[hyperfiddle.incseq.diff-impl :as d])
(:import missionary.Cancelled
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -145,20 +146,27 @@ T T T -> (EXPR T)
" [value]
(->Pure value nil))

(defn invoke
([f] (f))
([f a] (f a))
([f a b] (f a b))
([f a b c] (f a b c))
([f a b c d] (f a b c d))
([f a b c d & es] (apply f a b c d es)))

;; TODO the runtime swallows exceptions somewhere
;; maybe in latest-product, not sure.
;; investigate and remove this afterwards
(defn invoke-print-throws [& args]
(try (apply invoke args)
(catch #?(:clj Throwable :cljs :default) e (#?(:clj prn :cljs js/console.error) e))))
(defn clean-ex [mt msg]
(let [msg (str "in " (::lang/ns mt) (let [d (::lang/def mt)] (when d (str "/" d)))
", line " (::lang/line mt) ", column " (::lang/column mt) "\n\n" msg)]
#?(:clj (proxy [Exception] [msg nil false false])
:cljs (js/Error msg))))

(defn ?swap-exception [f mt]
(try (f)
(catch #?(:clj Throwable :cljs :default) e
(let [clean-ex (clean-ex mt (ex-message e))]
;; (println (ex-message clean-ex))
(throw clean-ex)))))

(defn invoke-with [mt]
([f] (?swap-exception #(f) mt))
([f a] (?swap-exception #(f a) mt))
([f a b] (?swap-exception #(f a b) mt))
([f a b c] (?swap-exception #(f a b c) mt))
([f a b c d] (?swap-exception #(f a b c d) mt))
([f a b c d & es] (?swap-exception #(apply f a b c d es) mt))))

(deftype Ap [mt inputs
^:unsynchronized-mutable ^:mutable hash-memo]
Expand All @@ -177,7 +185,7 @@ T T T -> (EXPR T)
(deps [_ rf r site]
(reduce (fn [r x] (deps x rf r site)) r inputs))
(flow [_]
(apply i/latest-product invoke (map flow inputs))))
(apply i/latest-product (invoke-with mt) (map flow inputs))))

(defn ap "
(EXPR (-> T)) -> (EXPR T)
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/hyperfiddle/electric_dom3.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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(defn attach! [parent-node tag e]
(assert (instance? js/Node parent-node))
(assert (instance? js/Node parent-node) "did you forget to bind `dom/node`?")
(m/observe (fn [!]
(! nil)
(if-some [mount-point (get-mount-point parent-node)]
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