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dom 3 - element and mount-items dissection
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ggeoffrey committed May 16, 2024
1 parent ee1fffb commit 3932ee6
Showing 1 changed file with 58 additions and 47 deletions.
105 changes: 58 additions & 47 deletions src/hyperfiddle/dom31.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -84,63 +84,74 @@
;; Element ;;

;; TODO this is a sketch, finish impl
(defn mount-items [element {:keys [grow shrink degree permutation change]}]
(let [children (.-childNodes element)
move (i/inverse permutation)
size-before (- degree grow)
size-after (- degree shrink)]
(loop [i size-before
c change]
(if (== i degree)
(fn [_ i e]
(.replaceChild element e
(.item children (move i i))))
nil c)
(let [j (move i i)]
(.appendChild element (c j))
(recur (inc i) (dissoc c j)))))
(loop [p permutation
i degree]
(if (== i size-after)
(loop [p p]
(when-not (= p {})
(let [[i j] (first p)]
(.insertBefore element (.item children j)
(.item children (if (< j i) (inc i) i)))
(recur (i/compose p (i/rotation i j))))))
(let [i (dec i)
j (p i i)]
(.removeChild element (.item children j))
(recur (i/compose p (i/rotation i j)) i))))
;; TODO Understand this with 100% precision.
;; G: here is my understanding of it (as comments), to be verified.
;; Leo says its done
(defn mount-items
[element ; a dom element to mount children in

; an incseq's diff
{:keys [grow ; number of added items
shrink ; number of removed items
degree ; max size of collection (after grow, before shrink)
permutation ; map of indexes movements e.g. "a replaced by b"
change ; map of index -> value
(let [children (.-childNodes element) ; current children of the element to mount in
move (i/inverse permutation) ; permutation is "a replaced by b" move is "b replaces a"
size-before (- degree grow) ; current expected child list size
size-after (- degree shrink) ; expected child list size after patch
;; Step 1 - Additions and replacements by new elements
(loop [i size-before ; start with expected current size and scan left to right, one by one,
; until diff's degree (before removals)
change change]
(if (not (== i degree)) ; If there are items to add
;; Addition
(let [j (get move i i)] ; get the index where this item is or went
(.appendChild element (get change j)) ; add children to the list
(recur (inc i) (dissoc change j))) ; continue with next change.
;; If there are changes but no items to add, then its just in-place changes
(run! (fn [[i element']] ; for each change
(.replaceChild element element' ; replace old child at index i by element' (new child)
(.item children (get move i i)) ; get old child index
;; Step 2 - Removals and reorders of existing elements
(loop [permutation permutation
i degree]
(if (not (== i size-after)) ; if there are extra items
;; Removals
(let [i (dec i) ; move to the penultimate item index
j (get permutation i i)] ; get the place where the item went (it might have been moved left)
(.removeChild element (.item children j)) ; remove child there (causing a shift to the left)
(recur (i/compose permutation (i/rotation i j)) i)) ; continue with next extra item, accounting for the left shift
;; Nothing to remove, but children to reorder
(loop [permutation permutation]
(when-not (= permutation {}) ; if there are still some swaps to apply
(let [[i j] (first permutation)] ; we will apply the first swap in the list
(.insertBefore element (.item children j) ; insert at target position
(.item children ; the child from origin position
(if (< j i) (inc i) i))) ; due to insertBefore, if j is left of i, insert to the right of the target position.
(recur (i/compose permutation (i/rotation i j))) ; continue with the rotation applied,
; which cancels out remaining swaps
; appropriately.

(e/defn Element [tag Body]
(let [e (.createElement js/document (name tag))
mp (e/mount-point)
tag (e/tag)]
(e/input (attach! node tag e)) ; mount and unmount element in parent
(e/join (e/mount-items e mp)) ; mount children in this node via mount point
(mount-point e mp) ; expose mount point to children
(binding [node e] ; run continuation
(e/input (attach! node tag e)) ; mount and unmount element in parent
(e/join (mount-items e mp)) ; interprets diffs to mount and maintain children in correct order
(mount-point e mp) ; expose mount point to children
(binding [node e] ; run continuation

(defmacro element [tag & body]
`($ Element tag (e/fn [] (e/amb ~@body))))

;; (defmacro element [tag & body]
;; `(let [e# (.createElement js/document ~(name tag))
;; mp# (e/mount-point)
;; tag# (e/tag)
;; parent# (aget node "mount-point")]
;; (e/insert! parent# tag# e#) ;; mount element in parent
;; (e/on-unmount #(e/remove! parent# tag# e#)) ;; unmount element from parent
;; (e/join (mount-items node mp#)) ;; mount children via mount point
;; (aset e# "mount-point" mp#) ;; expose mount point to children
;; (binding [node e#] ;; run continuation
;; (e/amb ~@body))))
`($ Element ~tag (e/fn [] (e/amb ~@body))))

(clojure.core/comment "comment var is already taken")

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