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v3 compatible router
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ggeoffrey committed Aug 2, 2024
1 parent b10abfe commit 22d32dc
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Showing 2 changed files with 981 additions and 0 deletions.
386 changes: 386 additions & 0 deletions src/hyperfiddle/history3.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
;; Like hyperfiddle.history2, but compatible with v3 (de)
(ns hyperfiddle.history3
[clojure.edn :as edn]
[clojure.string :as str]
[contrib.cljs-target :refer [do-browser]]
[hyperfiddle.rcf :as rcf :refer [tests % tap with]]
#?(:clj (:import [clojure.lang IRef IAtom]))
#?(:cljs (:require-macros hyperfiddle.history3))

(rcf/enable! true))

;;; History

(defprotocol IHistory
(navigate! [this route])
(back! [this])
(forward! [this])
(replace-state! [this new-state]))

(declare notify-watches)

(defn updatef [[history idx] f] [(update history idx f) idx])

(defrecord AtomHistory [^IAtom state watches max-size]
(swap [this f] (notify-watches this (swap-vals! state updatef f)))
(swap [this f arg] (.swap this #(f % arg)))
(swap [this f arg1 arg2] (.swap this #(f % arg1 arg2)))
(swap [this f x y args] (.swap this #(apply f % x y args)))
(reset [this newval] (.swap this (constantly newval)))
(compareAndSet [this oldv newv]
(loop []
(let [refv (deref this)]
(if (not= oldv refv)
(or (compare-and-set! state refv (updatef refv (constantly newv)))

(setValidator [_ _] (throw (UnsupportedOperationException. "History does not support validators")))
(getValidator [_] (throw (UnsupportedOperationException. "History does not support validators")))
(getWatches [_] (deref watches))
(addWatch [this key callback]
(swap! watches assoc key callback)
(removeWatch [_ key] (swap! watches dissoc key))
(deref [_] (let [[history idx] @state]
(get history idx)))

(defn notify-watches [this [oldstate newstate]]
(let [oldval (apply get oldstate)
newval (apply get newstate)]
(doseq [[key callback] @(:watches this)]
(callback key this oldval newval))))

;; (add-watch (atom 0) ::key (constantly true))

#?(:clj (defmethod print-method AtomHistory [x w] (print-dup x w)))

(defrecord AtomHistory [state watches max-size]
(-swap! [this f] (notify-watches this (swap-vals! state updatef f)))
(-swap! [this f arg] (-swap! this #(f % arg)))
(-swap! [this f arg1 arg2] (-swap! this #(f % arg1 arg2)))
(-swap! [this f x y args] (-swap! this #(apply f % x y args)))

(-reset! [this newval] (-swap! this (constantly newval)))

(-add-watch [this key callback]
(swap! watches assoc key callback)
(-remove-watch [_ key] (swap! watches dissoc key))

(-deref [_] (let [[history idx] @state]
(get history idx)))

(extend-type AtomHistory
(navigate! [this route]
(notify-watches this
(swap-vals! (.-state this)
(fn [[history idx]]
(if (= (count history) (.-max-size this)) ; TODO use a ring data structure for O(1) ops
[(conj (subvec history 1) route) idx]
[(conj (subvec history 0 (inc idx)) route) (inc idx)])))))
(back! [this]
(notify-watches this
(swap-vals! (.-state this) (fn [[history idx]] [history (max (dec idx) 0)]))))
(forward! [this] (notify-watches this
(swap-vals! (.-state this) (fn [[history idx]] [history (min (inc idx) (dec (count history)))]))))
(replace-state! [this new-state] (reset! this new-state)))

(defn atom-history
"Return a new IHistory instance backed by an atom.
Initial history state can be provided with `initial-state`.
Default history size is unbounded and can be constrained to `max-size` elements in a FIFO way.
A negative value or 0 has no effect."
([] (atom-history nil 0))
([initial-state] (atom-history initial-state 0))
([initial-state max-size] (->AtomHistory (atom [[initial-state] 0]) (atom {}) max-size)))

(defrecord ProxyHistory [parent ^IAtom state]
(swap [this f] (swap! state f))
(swap [this f arg] (swap! state f arg))
(swap [this f arg1 arg2] (swap! state f arg1 arg2))
(swap [this f x y args] (apply swap! state f x y args))
(reset [this newval] (reset! state newval))
(compareAndSet [this oldv newv] (compare-and-set! state oldv newv))

(setValidator [_ _] (throw (UnsupportedOperationException. "History does not support validators")))
(getValidator [_] (throw (UnsupportedOperationException. "History does not support validators")))
(getWatches [_] (.getWatches state))
(addWatch [this key callback] (add-watch state key callback) this)
(removeWatch [_ key] (remove-watch state key))
(deref [_] (deref state))

#?(:clj (defmethod print-method ProxyHistory [x w] (print-dup x w)))

(defrecord ProxyHistory [^IHistory parent ^IAtom state]
(-swap! [this f] (swap! state f))
(-swap! [this f arg] (swap! state f arg))
(-swap! [this f arg1 arg2] (swap! state f arg1 arg2))
(-swap! [this f x y args] (apply swap! state f x y args))

(-reset! [this newval] (reset! state newval))

(-add-watch [this key callback] (add-watch state key callback)
(-remove-watch [_ key] (remove-watch state key))

(-deref [_] (deref state))

(extend-type ProxyHistory
(navigate! [this route] (navigate! (.-parent this) route))
(back! [this] (back! (.-parent this)))
(forward! [this] (forward! (.-parent this)))
(replace-state! [this new-state] (reset! this new-state)))

(defn proxy-history
"Return a new IHistory instance backed by an atom.
History state is stored in an atom.
Navigation is forwarded to the `parent` history.
Initial state is provided with `initial-state`. "
([parent] (proxy-history parent nil))
([parent initial-state] (->ProxyHistory parent (atom initial-state)))) ; keep state local, not in url

(let [h (atom-history)]
@h := nil
(navigate! h :a)
@h := :a))

"back and forth"
(let [h (atom-history)]
@h := nil
(navigate! h :a)
(navigate! h :b)
@h := :b
(back! h)
@h := :a
(back! h)
@h := nil
(forward! h)
@h := :a
(navigate! h :c)
@h := :c
(forward! h)
@h := :c))

(let [h (atom-history)]
@h := nil
(replace-state! h :a)
@h := :a
(navigate! h :b)
@h := :b
(replace-state! h :a)))

"max-size and initial value"
(let [h (atom-history :init 1)]
@h := :init
(navigate! h :a)
@h := :a
(navigate! h :b)
@h := :b
(back! h)
@h := :b

(defn history? [h]
(and (satisfies? IHistory h)
(instance? IAtom h)))

(history? (atom-history)) := true)

;;; 1. and 2.

(def history nil) ; History instance mutable ref

;; HTML5 integration

(defn absolute [path]
(assert (string? path))
(str "/" (str/replace-first path #"^/+" "")))

(absolute "foo") := "/foo"
(absolute "/foo") := "/foo"
(absolute "//foo") := "/foo"
(absolute "//foo//bar") := "/foo//bar")


(defn throttler [rate-ms]
(let [!nextf (atom nil)
!running (atom false)]
(fn rec [f]
(if @!running
(reset! !nextf f)
(do (reset! !running true)
(.setTimeout js/window (fn [] (reset! !running false)
(when-let [nextf @!nextf]
(reset! !nextf nil)
(rec nextf)))

;; User agent limits HistoryAPI to 100 changes / 30s timeframe (
;; Firefox and Safari log an error and ignore further HistoryAPI calls for security reasons.
;; Chrome does the same but can also hang the tab:
(let [throttle (throttler 300)] ; max 3changes/s, 90/30s
(defn replaceState! [path] (throttle #(.replaceState js/window.history (.. js/window -history -state) "" (absolute path)))))

;; History entries' ids must be unique across page refreshes.
;; - A monotonic counter would reset and ids would collide after a refresh.
;; - is not precise enough, two programatic navigations could happen at the same millisecond.
;; - We use a mix of both: monotonic counter seeded by current time * 100.
;; - Supports 100 navigations per millisecond.
;; - doesn't collide after a page refresh.
(def history-entry-uid (partial swap! (atom (* (.now js/Date) 100)) inc))

(defn html5-pushState! [next-position path] (.pushState js/window.history #js{:position next-position} "" (absolute path)))
(defn html5-back! [] (.back js/window.history))
(defn html5-forward! [] (.forward js/window.history))

(defn html5-path []
(let [loc (.-location js/window)]
(str (.-pathname loc) (.-search loc) (.-hash loc))))

(defn- index-of [xs val]
(loop [i 0
[x & xs] xs]
(cond (= x val) i
(seq xs) (recur (inc i) xs)
:else -1)))

(defrecord HTML5History [!state !stack !position]
(-swap! [this f] (let [[_oldval newval] (swap-vals! !state f)]
(replaceState! newval)
(-swap! [this f arg] (-swap! this #(f % arg)))
(-swap! [this f arg1 arg2] (-swap! this #(f % arg1 arg2)))
(-swap! [this f x y args] (-swap! this #(apply f % x y args)))

(-reset! [this newval] (-swap! this (constantly newval)))

(-add-watch [this key callback]
(add-watch !state key callback)
(-remove-watch [_ key] (remove-watch !state key))

(-deref [_] @!state)

(navigate! [this route]
(let [prev-position @!position
next-position (history-entry-uid)]
(swap! !stack (fn [stack]
(let [index (index-of stack prev-position)]
(case index
-1 (conj stack next-position)
(conj (subvec stack 0 (inc index)) next-position)))))
(reset! !position next-position)
(html5-pushState! next-position route))
(reset! (.-!state this) route))
(back! [^HTML5History this]
(swap! !position (fn [pos stack]
(let [index (index-of stack pos)]
(if (= 0 index) pos (get stack (dec index)))))
(reset! (.-!state this) (html5-path)))
(forward! [^HTML5History this]
(swap! !position (fn [pos stack]
(let [index (index-of stack pos)]
(if (= index (dec (count stack))) pos (get stack (inc index)))))
(reset! (.-!state this) (html5-path)))
(replace-state! [this new-state]
(reset! this new-state))

;; TODO Implement equality so that two HTML5History are always equal. The
;; browser history is a singleton. There is no use case for nested
;; HTML5History instances on the page.

(defn html5-history []
;; Browser History API forbids to prevent navigation. Use case: prompt user for confirmation of unsaved data loss.
;; We must implement it ourselves by reverting the navigation action. However:
;; - navigation direction (back/forward) is not provided.
;; - current position in history is not provided.
;; To mitigate, we keep a stack of navigated pages and persist it to
;; SessionStorage, so it survives refreshes.

;; "popstate" events will contain the current page position, the history
;; instance will contain the previous one. Given the stack, the previous
;; position and current position, we compute the distance (delta) between the two
;; pages (one can jump over multiple pages at once through history).
;; We then call History.go(-delta) to revert the navigation.
;; See `HTML5-Navigation-Intents`.
(let [position (or (when-let [state (.. js/window -history -state)]
(.-position state))
stack (if-let [array (.. js/window -sessionStorage (getItem "hyperfiddle_history_stack"))]
(edn/read-string array)
!position (atom position)
!stack (atom stack)]
(.replaceState (.-history js/window) #js{:position position} nil)
(add-watch !stack ::stack (fn [_ _ _ stack] (.. js/window -sessionStorage (setItem "hyperfiddle_history_stack" (pr-str stack)))))
(->HTML5History (atom (html5-path)) !stack !position)))

(defn -html5-history-get-state [^HTML5History this] (.-!state this))

(defn nav-delta [stack prev-position curr-position]
(- (index-of stack curr-position) (index-of stack prev-position)))



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