Mining pool for Boolberry cryptocurrency.
- pool/init.js This is pool initialisation script. Init.js relies on clusters to start mining system as fork and runs utility processes in the master thread. Among utility routines are payments processing, statistics, DB connection, scratchpad storage routine, block unlocking proccess.
- pool/blocktemplate.js Refresh function handles blockchain scanning for new blocktemplate. It also includes blocktemplate utility functions. When new blocktemplate is received an event is emmited to send new jobs to connected miners.
- pool/alias.js Functions to manage alias registration queue and check miners logins.
- pool/scratchpad.js Stores current scratchpad to the given location with given interval. Also consists of addendum handle functions.
- pool/share.js This script contains function to validate and store miners shares, update miners statistics and retarget difficulty based on miner performance.
- miner/miner.js This is a miner object created for each miner connection. It stores miner details, create miners jobs and handles miners request (login, getjob, submit, keepalived).
- miner/login.js A helper script to verify miners login info.
- rpc/request.js This is low-level wallet and daemon remote calls handler.
- rpc/call.js Script contains all supported RPC calls.
- server/stratum.js This is a stratum protocol implementation.
- server/express.js Pool's web server is built on express.js and offers a list of API calls to monitor pools activity.
- db/balance.js Script takes control of miner balances and reward payments.
- db/block.js Miners shares and blocks are stored in DB with this script.
- db/stat.js Statistic process uses this script to store pool stats.
- log/logger.js A basic logging implementation.
- config/pool.json Pool settings can be updated here.
- config/info.json Content for Info section of the dashboard.
- web_gui Web interface source files
- web_gui/dist/frontend Compiled web interface. Your webserver can be configured to use this folder as a website.
This is a complete installation guide for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. It includes Boolberry daemon installation and basic setup. A walkthrough video is available.
Before you start, log in with a user account for managing the pool. Open a terminal window and run following commands.
Update currently installed packages:
sudo apt update
Install Boolberry required packages:
sudo apt install -y build-essential g++ python-dev autotools-dev libicu-dev build-essential libbz2-dev cmake git libboost-all-dev screen
Navigate to user home directory:
cd ~/
Download latest Boolbery source files:
git clone
Navigate to boolberry folder:
cd boolberry
Create build folder:
mkdir build
Navigate to build folder:
cd ./build
Build Boolberry daemon:
cmake ..
Build Boolberry wallet:
make daemon simplewallet
This guide uses Screen to run and manage pool required processes. Each process runs in a dedicated Screen session and thus doesn't depend on current terminal session. Navigate to boolberry build folder:
cd ./src
Run a new screen session:
screen -S daemon
Run Boolberry daemon:
Wait until Boolberry blockchain is synchronized and close current Screen session by pressing Ctrl+a
, and then d
Run a new screen session:
screen -S wallet
Generate new Boolberry wallet with custom file name, e.g. "pool_wallet":
./simplewallet --generate-new-wallet pool_wallet
Enter new password and save given wallet address seed phrase in a secured place. Run Boolberry wallet:
./simplewallet --wallet-file pool_wallet --password <WALLET PASSWORD> --rpc-bind-port 10103
Close current Screen session by pressing Ctrl+a
, and then d
For more information please refer to the Boolberry user guide
Navigate to user home directory:
cd ~/
Download latest stable Redis version 5:
Extract downloaded files:
tar xvzf redis-5.0.4.tar.gz
Navigate to Redis folder:
cd redis-5.0.4
Build Redis:
Complete Redis installation:
sudo make install
Opent Redis configuration file in the editor:
nano redis.conf
Find entry stop-writes-on-bgsave-error yes
and change it to stop-writes-on-bgsave-error no
. Then exit the editor by pressing Ctrl+x
, then Shift+y
, then Enter
Run Redis process:
./src/redis-server ./redis.conf --daemonize yes
For more information refer to installation guide and Redis official page
Install Node.JS package:
sudo apt install nodejs
Install node package manager and prerequisites:
sudo apt install -y libssl1.0-dev nodejs-dev node-gyp npm
Navigate to user home directory:
cd ~/
Download the latest Boolbery source files:
git clone
Navigate to pool folder:
cd ./bbr_mining_pool/
Download pool required packages:
npm update
Opent pool configuration file in the editor:
nano ./config/pool.json
Find entry address
and set generated wallet address it's value. Example:
“address” : “1EsE4rpuLhYQMKr4dD3t92NkyVZXGhvhL4AcLvLXBNqTRyDgKUmwVPjKUeCq1F3avK2RucftxzhUnFeKFcYXrN1hRU1rmUq”
Then exit the editor by pressing Ctrl+x
, then Shift+y
, then Enter
Run a new screen session:
screen -S pool
Run Boolberry pool:
./node app
Mining pool settings are stored in ./config/pool.json file. Time values are milliseconds by default.
- (default: localhost) - for Boolberry daemon IP address
- daemon.port (default: 10102) - Boolberry daemon port
- (default: localhost) - Boolberry wallet IP address
- wallet.port (default: 10103) - Boolberry wallet port
- scratchpad.path (default: /boolberry/scratchpad.bin) - Boolberry scratchpad store location
- scratchpad.path (default: every 4 hours) - Boolberry scratchpad store interval
- server.remote (default: false) - wether API can be accessed from a remote server or local environment only
- server.api (default: 3000) - API server port
- server.port (default: 6000) - stratum server port for miners connection
- server.difficulty (default: 3,25 MH/s) - starting job difficulty for new connections in hash/sec
- share.targetTime (deafault: 1 min) - vardiff algorighm target interval between miner shares
- share.targetTimeSpan (deafault: 30 sec) - vardiff algorighm fluctuation for target time
- share.timeout (default: 10 min) - timeout for miner connection drop due to inactivity
- share.weight (default: 240000) - share scoring estimation coefficient
- block.unlockDepth (default: 30) - block depth to unlock miners rewards
- block.unlockInterval (default: 2 min) - block unlocking check interval
- logger.size (default: 10000) - number of cached log messages for API call localhost:port/log
- stats.history (default: 500000) - max number of pool statistics entries stored in Redis DB
- stats.interval (default: 10 min) - pool statistics checkpoint save interval
- stats.interval (default: 10 min) - pool statistics average values estimation time frame
- ban.time (default: 10 min) - invalid shares miner ban period
- ban.percent (default: 5%) - invalid shares miner ban percentage
- ban.checkpoint (default: 50) - shares count between miner shares validity check
- payment.sweep (default: 0.1 BBR) - RPC sweep_below value
- payment.units (default: 1 BBR) - value to calculate BBR decimal point
- payment.mixin (default: 0) - number of mixin for miner payments
- payment.fee (deafult: 0.002 BBR) - miners reward payment fee
- payment.threshold (default: 1 BBR) - miners balance payment threshold
- payment.interval (default: 1 hour) - miners reward payment interval
- address - pool wallet address
- refreshBlockInterval (default: 1 sec) - blockchain scan interval
- fee (default: 0%) - in percents pool reward fee
- web interface doesn't support alias registration
- remove worker button is disabled
- payment ID is not supported