Personal Portfolio Page with GitHub fullstack
Based on JavaScript/TypeScript and fullstack features of GitHub
Frontend: Vue.js
Backend: Express
For more detailed design, including API design or URL patterns, will be noted in repository Wiki.
For bringing up all components required, Makefile has prepared.
Depending on your development requirements, there is a few options to use Makefile.
# Starting Frontend and Backend directly on your machine
% make all
# Build Frontend code bases and pulling containerized Backend images for UI
% make prod
Leveraging fullstack features of GitHub such as:
- GitHub Actions & GitHub Apps
- GHCR (GitHub Container Registry)
- Release automation
- Code Owners and scaffolded policy files (contributing/Security policies or Code of Conduct)
- Dependabot
- CodeQL
- Issue/PR templates
Personal workouts with JavaScript ecosystem
- Vue.js for Frontend
- Express.js for Backend (stateless)
- generic Node.js project for Swagger documentations