A delightfully fun and powerful collection of power user tools for Roam by https://roamresearch.com/
This project was first started by TfTHacker and passed over to RoamJS on 04/20/2021. We are deeply appreciative of all of RoamHacker's hard work and generosity.
For more information, go to this page:
Roam42 is built on the open-source work of other greater coders. We are so thankful to them for their contributions to the community and also for sharing their work. I want to acknowledge them here:
- github.com/mgsloan/roam-navigator - Thanks Michael Sloan (Twitter: @treetopian)
- github.com/roam-unofficial/roam-toolkit - Live preview came from this code base. it has been heavily modified, but the core is still from the toolkit. What an amazing project that pioneered extending Roam